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Known issue 2015.02: Reports display rounded hours units (New Zealand)

The following issue has been identified and subsequently replicated by MYOB Exo Employer Services Support in the New Zealand release of Exo Payroll and Exo Time and Attendance version 2015.02.


Support has confirmed that following the NZ 2015.02 upgrade, some reports, in some circumstances, display units to either one or no decimal places, as well as rounding up or down. Here are two examples, and it is possible others might exist.

Exo Payroll - Pay Sheet Report in Portrait format - Units (ie Hours) per employee are rounded where more than five digits (including decimal point and minus sign) exist. For example, 109.99 hours in a Pay displays as 110.0 on Paysheet , and minus 40.44 hours displays as minus 40.4 hours. Printing in Landscape format works correctly.

Exo Time and Attendance - Payroll Posting Report - Units (ie Hours) in the "Totals" fields are rounded where more then six digits (including decimal point) exist. For example 3801.42 hours displays as 3801.4 hours.

Units might display in rounded form, but are stored correctly and resulting dollar values calculate correctly.


This issue has been progressed through to Product Management via parent ticket 124808345008 for resolution in a future release.

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