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Known issue 2013.01: Time in Lieu Hours Balances populating in Lieu Time Hours Worked field

The following issue has been identified and subsequently replicated by MYOB Support in the Australian release of Exo Employer Services version 2013.01.


Support have confirmed that an employee who has a "Time in Lieu Hours" balance at the time of upgrading to 2013.01 will have that figure appearing in the "Hours Worked" field of "Lieu Time" in Leave Management in any pays created after the upgrade.


If the company installed has Lieu day balances for any employees it is highly likely that the company installation will be affected by this issue. To verify, after creating the first pay run in the new version run the Payslip report for all employees, with the report option 'Show Lieu Entitlement' ticked and with the Pay Type option as 'Standard'. If any Employees show Lieu Hours worked on this report they are affected by this issue.


Manually clear the "Hours Worked" field in the "Lieu Time" section of Leave Management each time a pay is being processed.

For Business Partners, another option would be to clear the figures from the PAY.DBF table. This would be done following the steps below:


To clear figures from the PAY.DBF table
  1. Log into the payroll company
  2. Once in the company, hold down the ALT and Q buttons simultaneously (password = MYOB)
  3. Type in USE PAY then press Enter
  4. Type in REPLACE ALL LIEU_DAYS WITH 0 FOR PAYNUM=0 the press Enter
  5. Type in EXIT then press Enter to return to the payroll


Service Management Record 12811398428 has been created for this issue and has been resolved in the 2013.02 service pack release.

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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