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Creating a new exception in EXO Time and Attendance

Exceptions are used by Exo Time and Attendance for processing days that are different or contain differences from the normal scheduled days for the employees.

Exceptions are a feature of Exo Time & Attendance that allow an employee's schedule to be adjusted to reflect changes in their work routine. Some examples of where this is useful are if you have an employee who has had a half day sick, an employee fills in for a different role for part of the day or if they work on a public holiday.

For information regarding applying an exception to a Day or part thereof, click here.

Understanding the exceptions options


Option nameDescription
Export to PayrollIs ticked by default.  In an integrated system or when exporting the information to a payroll package then this option would be enabled.  If this Exception Code is being used to track hours for employees who were not going to be paid using this information then this option can be disabled.
Include in Weekly TotalsIs ticked by default.  This option advises Exo Time and Attendance as to whether the Hours or Units paid under this Exception Code will be used to determine Overtime for the Pay Period or not.  If an employee must be physically at work in order to accrue overtime so time away such as Sick Leave, etc would be excluded then this option would be unticked.
Calculate AllowancesIs ticked by default.  If the Hours or Units paid to an employee using this Exception Code are to be included in the calculations of Allowances for that employee in the Pay Period then this option should be ticked.
Pay Extra Allowance on Top of HoursThis option only becomes available when the Type is set to Normal.  If selected then Exo Time and Attendance will use the allowance specified in the Allowance Code field to pay the hours entered in the Payroll Units to Pay field (or specified in the Generate Units screen of the actual day in Maintain Times and Pay Period Times) on top of the hours being paid for that day worked.
Fraction of Day PaidOnly available in a standalone system and is otherwise greyed out.  The normal setting is 1 or 0.5 if it is to cover a part day.
Pay As

Only available in a standalone system and is otherwise greyed out. For any hours paid under this Exception, this option specifies whether these hours will be treated as Hours or Allowances.

Allowance CodeThe Allowance Code that will be used to pay the employee.
Default Units

These fields specify the defaults that will appear in Days in Maintain Times and Pay Period Times for these fields. Note: The figures can be changed in Maintain Times and Pay Period Times.

  • Payroll Units to Pay - Depending on the Type selected, this field can have different names. Specify the default units for this field to display and to be processed in Payroll.
  • Payroll Units to Reduce Entitlement - Depending on the Type selected, this field can have different names. Specify the default units for this field to display and to be processed in Payroll.
  • Exo Time and Attendance Hours to Count - If the Units being paid through this Exception Code are to count towards the Weekly Overtime Limits then enter the default units to be displayed and used by Exo Time and Attendance. The format of this field is in hours:minutes.
Cost CentreIf the Hours being paid through this Exception are to be costed to a specific Cost Centre, enter that cost centre code in this field.  If the employees default Cost Centre is to be used then leave this field blank.
Default Note TypeIf the Exception Code is being used to tag a day for generating an Automatic Note for the employee, enter the Note Type Code in this field.
Default NoteThis field is unavailable by default.  Once a Default Note Type has been entered then this field becomes available.  The information entered in this field will be recorded as a default note in the employee's masterfile whenever this Exception Code is entered on a day for that employee.
To create an exception code
  1. Click on the Maintenance menu
  2. Select Exceptions from the list that appears
  3. Enter the desired code for this new Exception Note: To check the codes that are already in use, click the Find:F9 button to see the picklist of existing codes.
  4. Once the Exception Code has been entered then the rest of the fields will become available.Image
  5. Enter the Description for this Exception.
  6. Select the appropriate Type from the picklist that best suits the exception being created.

    A list of the Types available as well as a description of each Type is available in the Help File in Exo Time and Attendance (go to the Help menu then select Help Topics (or press F1), click on the Index tab, type in Exception then press Enter).

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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