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Stock Takes / Stock Adjustments - Known Issues

Known issues and quirks related to Stock Takes & Stock Adjustments.

An issue appearing in this list does not guarantee development priority. If you are having issues caused by a known issue please have your implementation partner raise a case referencing the case number.

Splitting batch during stocktake and creating new batches at the same time fails to correctly assign stock quantities.

Issue ID: EXB-6771

When we entered the stocktake numbers, when users use “split a line” to enter found stock from a different batch and expiry,
If the Batch/expiry deosn’t already exist, the stock take screen allows you to free type the batch/expiry and change date manually .
However after uploading the stokctake data, the new batches and expiry are not visible on the stock items.


Use Stock Adjustments to split batches by adjusting stock in and out,

Legacy stock adjustments screen - Adjusting batch quantities by having multiple lines for a stock item in a single adjustment doesn’t add batch quantities correctly

Issue ID: Deprecated - Will not fix

The old/Legacy stock adjustments screen doesn’t calculate batch quantity movements correctly if there are multiple lines for the same item, resulting in incorrect quantities in the BATCH_QUANTITIES table.
This screen is in use if the profile:
Is set to True.


Use the non-legacy stock adjustments screen, the new stock adjustments screen works fine.

The legacy stock movements screen is no longer being actively developed, and will be removed completely in a future release. We are not planning development work on it.

Business Alerts - Email parameters for @SOLDBYEMAIL and @ACTIONBYEMAIL do not correctly retrieve values

Issue ID: EXB-6827

The parameters for setting email recipients in business alerts from job costing based on the Sold By or Action By references do not retrieve values.


A database trigger could be set against the EVENTS_SCHEDULE table to populate these values on database write.

Separate business alerts could be configured for each Job manager/user to send out specific emails to that staff member by hard coding the recipient email address.

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