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Stock Items - Known Issues

Known issues and quirks related to Stock Items.

An issue appearing in this list does not guarantee development priority. If you are having issues caused by a known issue please have your implementation partner raise a case referencing the case number.

Lookup flag on stock items can be changed if stock classification is edited.

Issue ID: CE00011423

If the Stock Classification of an item is changed the Lookup box incorrectly becomes editable (it should not be editable after item is created).

WEB_SHOW default on new stock items defaults to “F” instead of “N”

Issue ID: EXB-5318

When a new stock item is created from the stock item screen, the WEB_SHOW s defaulted to “F” instead of “N”.

As “F” is not a valid value, the item may have issues with API, and will display a blanked black box, instead of a ticked or empty box against the attribute.


Select Web_show to be the desired value for new items after they are made.

Works order grid in Stock Item Details screen not sortable with error “WorksOrdCompQuery: Index ‘SortGrid_WOrksORdConsumptionGriid’ not found.“ (2023.2+)

Issue ID: EXB-6811

Regression in 2023.2 release, affects all future versions as at 2024.2.

Attempting to resort the Works Order grid in a stock item generates an error referencing:

WorksOrdCompQuery: Index
‘SortGrid_WOrksORdConsumptionGriid’ not found.

Attempting to use the grid further will display message:
Name not unique in this context.


Use grid without sorting.

If sorted information is required, use a Report or create a custom grid widget and use that instead.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.