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Job Costing- Known Issues

Known issues and quirks related to Job Costing.

An issue appearing in this list does not guarantee development priority. If you are having issues caused by a known issue please have your implementation partner raise a case referencing the case number.

Batch invoicing of jobs can’t handle debtor “Need Order Number” enabled and duplicate job orders.

Case ID: CE00050475

Using Batch Invoicing in Job Costing will fail with an access violation if a debtor has the prompt “Need Order Number” enabled and the job’s order number has already been used on an invoice or is used on multiple jobs for this debtor in this run, the system will fail with an Access Violation error.

Data state warning

This access violation will leave invoice lines with invalid states in Job costing, and data repair should be conducted to ensure that WIP, stock & Job line status are maintained.


Turn off “Need Order Number” for the required debtors before using batch invoices to produce job costing invoices.

Or invoice jobs for affected debtors manually.

JCTLabout.CLR - incorrect unit cost & unit price displayed if an employee logs multiple timesheets for the same job per day

Issue ID: EXB-6769

The JCTLabout.CLR otherwise titled the Labour/Resource Analysis Report, is designed to summarize work per employee per job.
If an employee works 2 almost identical timesheets in 1 day gainst the same job, the report was incorreclty SUMing the UNITCOST and UNITPRICE fields, instead of determining the average across the lines it was combining.

Replace the calculations in the data pipeline with:


And then reselect the fields in the report screen.

Original dates not kept when moving multiple time sheet lines to another job

Issue ID: EXB-6792

Not present in 2019.2, confirmed present in 2023 & 2024 releases.

Moving multiple costs from 1 job to another forcibly sets the date of those costs on to the new job as the date the user selects when prompted.
While this prompt is good when moving individual lines, it can cause problems if moving multiple lines.


Move lines to other jobs either individually, or in batches per date required for the transaction.

Change quote total to new amount feature sets total before discounts applied since 2019.2

Issue ID: EXB-6752

In older versions of Exo Business, using the Actions > Change invoice tnvoice amount feature would set the invoice total to that exact price (after any discounts were applied).

This is no longer the case in the latest releases, the feature now sets the Price before discounts are applied.

This affects both Job Quoting and Job Invoicing workflows.


Determine the total of the original invoice (before discounts), not the discounted total.
OR remove line discounts before using the change invoice total amount action.

Purchase Orders receipted in at $0 cost do not clear from Job Costing screens and remain visible

Issue ID: EXB-5777

For the Job Costing screens to correctly clear entries from the “Receipted, Awaiting Costing” section, they need to have a cost entered during receipting. If an Inwards Goods Receipt is costed as $0, then Job Costing will continue to report that the item is Receipted Awaiting Costing forever.

Purchase Orders for negative quantities do not show on the “Ordered awaiting delivery” screen.

Issue ID: EXB-6668

This behavior is currently by design, as a return cannot be “awaiting delivery”.
However, if you would like this changed please have a support ticket raised referencing EXB-6668 so we can gauge customer interest in changes to this function.

“Cannot refresh payroll information at the moment” error prompt when opening Exonet.exe or jobcost.exe

Issue ID: EXB-6601

This message indicates that there was a problem communicating between Exo Business & Exo Payroll.

It is recommended generally to disable the profile: PAYROLLENTERPRISE (Integrate timesheets with PayrollEnterprise) to ensure Exo Business works correctly.

It’s also possible to change this profile setting to be computer or user specific if desired by modifying the entry in the Profile_Fields table

As Exo Employer Services is undergoing sunset, there are no plans to redevelop this feature at this time.

Master Jobno not populating on subjob invoices when generated directly from billing schedule tab.

Issue ID: EXB-6793

If a billing schedule/invoice is generated directly on the Billing Schedule tab of a subjob, then the master_jobno is incorreclty set as a 0 at a database level.

This means that the invoice value doesn't contribute to the master job’s totals if Job totals are recalculated, and won’t appear on all reports.


Set a trigger on JOB_CONTRACT_BILLINGS to enforce a MASTER_JOBNO on all newly created billing schedules,
Modify the procedure RECALC_JOB_TOTAL to include subjob invoices posted with a master_jobno of 0 by joining via jobcost_hdr to directly confirm the subjob is part of the master job..

Job search screen behavior changes in 2023.2+ so cursor must be clicked in the search box.

Issue ID: EXB-6678

In older releases of Exo Business, when the Job Management screen is first opened the search box would be highlighted, so typing would automatically go to the search box.

In 2023.2 and later, the focus starts on the result grid, so the search box needs to be manually selected to use.


Manually select the search box by clicking the cursor in it after opening the screen,

Serial numbers assigned to a job before inwards goods receipt is costed can cause issues with the serial number becoming unselectable. (2023.2+)

Issue ID: EXB-6628

If a serial number has been preallocated to a job and an inwards goods receipt is saved, then when the inwards goods receipt is later edited to save a costing the pre-allocated serial numbers are unavailable in the serial number selection list and must be manually entered.

When the serial number is manually entered an incorrect prompt for a “returned” serial number is displayed.


Manually enter the serial number.

When copying a read only job using the Duplicate Job option, sometimes the “Save” and “Save and Exit” buttons will get stuck greyed out if you then use the New Job button.

Issue ID: EXB-6740

The Save and Save and Exit buttons will occasionally get stuck in read only mode when using the Duplicate Job function to copy a templated job, which can block raising a new job normally.


If this happens, refresh job costing/close and reopen the Job Management window, the save/save & exit buttons will return to working correctly.

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