General Config - Known Issues
Known issues and quirks related to Job Costing.
An issue appearing in this list does not guarantee development priority. If you are having issues caused by a known issue please have your implementation partner raise a case referencing the case number.
Right Click options profiles do not disable keyboard shortcuts
Case ID: CE00051886
Initially reported as affecting Job Costing.
The profile options to disable Right Click Menu options do not currently control keyboard shortcuts, which means shortcuts still work even when the right click option is removed.
Not available.
Activity Scheduler/Calendar menu reverts “Enable Reminder” option on reopen of program.
Case ID: CE00051298
For "Enable Reminders" to be remembered between sessions, the dashboard layout needs to be saved.
This is working, and reminders are enabled if the box was ticked before the dashboard was saved.
However, the box (incorrectly) isn't ticked when the dashboard is reopened.
Tick “Enable Reminder” and then save the dashboard. Reminders will then be enabled when you reopen Exo, (But the box will be empty).
Activity Scheduler/Calendar moving an appointment with reoccurrence immediately after creating it gives an error.
Case ID: CE00050922
Appointments made in the Task scheduler that have a recurrence series cannot be dragged and drop to a different time without either a access violation or record not found or changed by another user error.
Refresh settings after saving the appointment > moving afterwards there is no error.
Quick Insert - table fails to load if dealing with large datasets
Case ID: EXB-6790
The quick insert utility fails to load when dealing with large datasets.
If this is affecting you, we strongly recommend assessing the tools & purpose. The Quick Insert utility was designed to support implementations, or stage small amounts of data. Use against business logic tables is not recommended following implementation as it is easy to disobey business rules, leading to data consistency or unintended behavior.
Adding extra search fields for Inwards Goods blocks searching
Case ID: EXB-6693
Having added extra inwards goods receipt search fields, searching for an inwards goods receipt filters out results if the value being search is not also the same value in the added search field. E.g Search receipt no = 2010
If X_SERCHFIELD = 2010 and seqno = 2010 then it displays the result.
No workaround, disable "Extra inwards goods receipt search fields" (EXTRA_INWR_SEARCHFIELDS)
Non-unique SHORTNAME s in the TAXRATES table causing wrong tax rate to be pulled.
Issue ID EXB-6747
SHORTNAMEs should be unique, as there are several places in the system where the SHORTNAME is converted back into a SEQNO.
To ensure correct tax rates are selected, make sure tax rates have unique names. This will mostly apply to databases that have gone through GST changes and failed to change their old tax rate shortnames at the time.