Debtors - Known Issues
Known issues and quirks related to Debtors.
An issue appearing in this list does not guarantee development priority. If you are having issues caused by a known issue please have your implementation partner raise a case referencing the Issue ID.
Allocation in past period validation on Debtors transaction allocation blocking legitimate transactions with an allocation age set to the current period. “The GL Period for the variance is locked. Please contact your administrator to unlock the period.”
Issue ID: EXB-5705
In the 2019.3 release, a validation was added to allocation of foreign currency invoices/payments to ensure that FX Variance transactions wouldn’t be created in locked periods by users without permission.
This validation incorrectly triggers if transactions being allocated are in a prior (locked) period, even if the Allocation age is set to the current month.
Unlock the general ledger period of the youngest transaction so that allocation can be generated.