Bill of Materials - Known Issues
Known issues and quirks related to Bill of Materials (BOMs).
An issue appearing in this list does not guarantee development priority. If you are having issues caused by a known issue please have your implementation partner raise a case referencing the case number.
BOM Components unable to be easily reordered by sorting columns from 2023.3+
Issue ID: EXB-6750
Starting with the 2023.3 release, it is not possible to permanently reorder the lines of a BOM by sorting a column.
Prior to the 2023.3 release, sorting a column would apply a permanent reordering to a BOM on save.
You can permanently reorder the lines of a BOM by using the arrows at the top of the screen to move each line.
Changing the sort order of BOM components results in incorrect values if edits are made. 2023.1+
Issue ID: EXB-6689
Starting with the 2023.1 release, starting the BOM component grid makes unpredictable changes if the line values in the gird are edited and saved.
Do not resort the grid.
If the grid has been resorted, close the BOM and reopen it before making changes.