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Using Exo PC Clock

The main screen of Exo PC Clock is much like that of a normal timeclock - it shows the current time and date, and allows employees to clock in or out. It also has access (with a password) to the supervisor menu.

Before employees can start clocking, the clock must be set up from the Supervisor menu.

Title bar - date

The title of this screen shows the current date (D-M-Y). Like the time, this is taken from the computer's current system date.


Brings up the following menu (can also be quickly accessed by pressing Alt+M):

  • Supervisor Functions will bring up the Supervisor Menu.

  • About brings up the About Screen.

  • Force Update of Datafiles will cause the system to trigger a download of the Payroll and Time and Attendance information, updating PC Clock with any changes made to these. (This will only appear in the Server-based version). For more information, see "Updating Data files" below.

  • Exit will quit PC Clock (requires the supervisor password).

PC Clock Number

The number assigned to this PC Clock. This is set in the Setup screen and should be unique for all Clocks.

Time Display

This shows the time in 24-hour format. This is what will be recorded against a clocking when the Save button is pressed, and it is taken from the current system time of the computer it is running on. (If the time is incorrect, then you will need to change the time through the Windows operating system).

Employee Code

See below.

Cost Centre

See below.

Save : F10

Saves the current clocking transaction (only available after the employee has been selected).


Cancels the current clocking transaction (only available after the employee has been selected).

Exit : Esc

Quit from PC Clock. If there is a supervisor password in use, this must be entered to exit PC Clock, allowing you to ensure it does not get closed accidentally.

Clocking Times

The first step when clocking is to enter the employee code. This is the same code as is used in MYOB Exo Payroll, so any of the Exo Payroll employee reports will be able to give a list of which numbers each employee is to use. Note that they also have to have at least one valid card number in the MYOB Exo Time and Attendance system (see the Exo Time and Attendance help file or manual for instructions on setting this up). The Exo Time and Attendance "card prefix" is determined by the Company whose data is being used for this clock (see the Setup topic).

Pressing enter from that field will display the employee's name and department and move onto the Cost Centre fields.

Depending on how the Clock is set up, there will be one of two forms of cost centre entry available - by whole cost centres or by cost centre structure levels.

Whole Cost Centres

This means that the whole cost centre is entered as a single number. This cost centre can be typed directly, or it can be picked from a list of available centres by pressing the F9 key. It validates the cost centre against those set up in Exo Time and Attendance, only accepting valid inputs or a zero cost centre (used to represent a "null" costing - such as breaks or when an employee leaves for the day).

Macros can be set up for different cost centres, so that frequently used numbers can be entered simply by pressing one of the function keys on the keyboard (F1 to F12). See the Setup topic for instructions on implementing this.

Cost Centre Structure Levels

This is another way that the Exo Time and Attendance system tracks costing - it splits the cost centre up into as many as four different levels, each a part of the whole cost centre. These numbers can also be typed directly, searched on (F9), or set up as macros. The difference with these macros though is that there can be a completely different set of keys for each structure level.

Once this information has been entered, it can either be saved (using the Save button or by pressing F10 on the keyboard), or cancelled (Cancel button or esc key).

Updating Data Files

When this message is displayed on screen, you will be unable to do anything else, as it is updating the Exo PC Clock files with what is in the Exo Time and Attendance system. It should usually only take a couple of seconds to complete, then it will return the clock to its normal state.

This happens automatically every 30 minutes, but if a change has been made that you need more quickly than that (say a new employee starting that day or the first setting up of a new Clock), then go to the menu and choose Force Update of Datafiles, which will cause the system to update immediately.

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