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Technical Support

If you experience a situation where an error has occurred and you aren't sure what to do, here are a few simple things you can do to help us in our efforts to resolve your query.

  • Is it something I can resolve myself?
  • Did you change something in the Payroll or your computer system just recently that may cause something to stop working in the Payroll?
  • Is it possible you can revisit those changes and see if that did cause the problem? Note exactly what you were doing when the error happened.

How to Print a Support Diagnostics Report

Click the Support button on the MYOB Login Screen or the About window (select About from the Help menu or press F11). This opens the following window:

Click the Print button to send a Support Report to your default Windows printer. This report can then be faxed to MYOB.

Alternatively, you can click Email to send the Support Report via email. If the issue is particularly complex, it is often a good idea to write down the problem along with the exact figures you would use and examples of why a certain function doesn't seem to be working properly or doesn't balance.

Examples of this could be:

  • Tax does not calculate correctly for a given tax code, gross earnings and tax table
  • Report showing pays that have fallen into the wrong pay period
  • Leave (annual leave or sick) pay days or hours entitlements are not accruing or not balancing properly
  • Previous pays need correcting, e.g. overpayments or underpayments
  • Payroll reports do not reconcile with other records

Sending Support Information to MYOB

MYOB would like your help to improve the quality and performance of its products and services. If the Send diagnostic and usage information to MYOB option is ticked, the Exo Employer Services suite of products will automatically collect diagnostic and usage information and send it to MYOB product development and support teams for analysis. Diagnostic and usage information may include details about hardware and operating system specifications, performance statistics, crash reports, and data about how you use your applications. None of the collected information identifies you personally; at most it will include your company ID and licence number.

Error Messages

Should this error window ever appear, it is important that you contact MYOB Support immediately with details of what you were doing just prior to it appearing.

If you are unable to contact Support immediately, then take a note of the information on the window (especially the Error number and description), then click the Print button to open the Support window, where you can print out a support report. This report can be faxed to your support provider or MYOB and they will review the problem and contact you as soon as is feasible. Whatever happens, do not ignore this message as it can be an indication of very serious problems.

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