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Revenue Analysis

This screen provides an overall picture of Staff Scheduler activity, broken down employee default cost centre, and/or daily rule.

Select Revenue Analysis from the Scheduler menu. The following window appears:


Count - Head Count of staff scheduled for this day

Hours - Total number of hours work rostered for this day

Amount - Result of multiplying hours x hourly rate (productive cost per hour) for each person then summing for all applicable staff


Count - Head Count of staff who clocked in on this day

Hours - Total number of hours clocked on this day

Amount - Result of multiplying hours worked (including leave) x hourly rate for each person then summing for all applicable staff.


These fields are provided for you to compare your Revenue per cost centre as recorded in a revenue spreadsheet. Revenue data is sourced externally from the Staff Scheduler and is therefore gathered via the Import button.

The import process looks for a CSV (comma-separated value) file containing the revenue data, for example:




Click Preview to display the Revenue Analysis report on screen and optionally print it.

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