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Pay Tab

Allowance History

  • Detail report - if the report is for a selected date range, shows a date, total units and dollar amount of the allowance for each pay.
  • Print each department/cost centre/allowance on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre/allowance, when sorting by department/cost centre/allowance code.
  • Show zero allowances - choose whether to include allowances with an amount or zero.
  • Select pay using - choose whether to report on pays based on their Pay Period End Date or Physical Pay Date.

Deduction History

  • Detail report - if the report is over a selected date range, shows a date and dollar amount of the deduction for each pay. Leave this option off for a summary report.
  • Print each department/cost centre/deduction on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre/deduction, when sorting by department/cost centre/deduction code.
  • Select pay using - choose whether to report on pays based on their Pay Period End Date or Physical Pay Date.

Direct Credit Schedule

  • Print each department/cost centre on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department/cost centre.
  • Show payer details - show your company's name, bank account and particulars in the report header.
  • Orientation - choose from Landscape or Portrait orientation.


  • Detail report - if the report is over a selected date range, show a date and breakdown of each pay for each pay period
  • Summary report - if the report is over a selected date range, show only totals from the pay periods that fall within the given date range.

Lost Production

  • Print each department/cost centre on a new page - starts a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department/cost centre.

Non-Cash Benefits History

  • Non-cash benefit on a new page - starts printing at the top of a new page for each non-cash benefit.
  • Print each department on a new page - starts a new page for each department.
  • Detail report - if the report is over a selected date range, shows a date, total units and dollar amount of each benefit transaction in the pay.
  • Summary report - if the report is over a selected date range, this report shows a sum for each occurrence of a new benefit in the pay.
  • Select pay using - choose whether to report on pays based on their Pay Period End Date or Physical Pay Date.

Paid Parental Leave History

  • Detailed report - provide greater depth of information. Leave this option off to see a summarised view.
  • Print each department/cost centre on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department/cost centre.
  • Show zero paid parental leave - Include employees who have zero paid parental leave recorded against them.

Pay Sheet

  • Detail report - provide greater depth of information, actual wage, allowance and deduction lines. Leave this option off to see a summarised view (totals only for wages allowances and deductions).
  • Print each department on a new page - start a new page for each department.
  • Portrait report - tick this option for Portrait orientation, untick it for Landscape view.
  • Print report using - select whether to print the report by Pay Period End Date or Physical Pay Date.
  • Show employer superannuation - tick this option to include employer superannuation amounts on the report.
  • Show non-cash benefits - tick this option to include Non-Cash Benefit amounts on the report.

Pay Summary

  • Show Details - shows a line for each transaction including the units and dollar amount, plus a total line for each transaction type. Leave this option off in order to show just the total line for each transaction type.
  • Show Month and Year to Date - in addition to a column that shows figures for the actual date range being queried, the report can also show a column with figures that accumulate from the start of the month being queried, and a column with figures that accumulate from the start of the financial year being queried.
  • WorkCover – Use Grossed up value for Fringe Benefits - factor in the applicable fringe benefit tax and/or GST input credits by multiplying the transacted Fringe Benefit amount by the relevant gross up rate, as derived from the Fringe Benefit Type setting in the Non Cash Benefits masterfile. The GST that is to be applied to the WorkCover levy itself is handled via a separate GST Rate (%) input field, on the Print Report window, for this report.
  • Show individual Wages - shows the breakdown of each employee's wages.
  • Show individual Allowances - shows a breakdown of each employee's allowances.
  • Show individual Deductions - shows a breakdown of each employee's deductions.
  • Show individual Non-Cash Benefits - shows a breakdown of each employee's non-cash benefits.
  • Show individual Superannuations - shows a breakdown of each employee's superannuation contributions.
  • Show terminated employees - select to include terminated employees in the report.
  • Show only terminated employees - only employees who have been terminated will be included in the report.
  • Print report using pay period end date - the report will show any pays with a pay period end date of 1 July and greater.
  • Print report using physical pay date - the report will show any pays with a physical pay date of 1 July and greater.
  • Show apprentices - select whether to report on all employees, on all employees except for apprentices or on apprentices only.

Payment Analysis

  • Print each department on a new page - start a new page for each department.
  • Show all transactions - show transactions of all types: cash, cheque, and direct credit.
  • Signature list only - so that employees can sign off their wages. Usually printed together with a normal payment analysis.
  • Exclude direct credits details - don't show direct credits, just cash and cheque analysis.

Payroll Input Form



  • Show Company Name - displays the company name at the top of each payslip, as provided in Payroll Setup window.
  • Show Address - shows address as given in the Employee Maintenance window.
  • Show Hourly Rate - an extra line apart from the wages lines, to indicate the employee's base hourly rate from the standard pay. If the employee is salaried, this option will print the employee's annual salary instead.
  • Show Annual Leave Entitlement - displays the current annual leave entitlements inclusive of the current pay, assuming that the current pay is open.
  • Show Personal Leave Entitlement - displays the current sick pay entitlements inclusive of the current pay, assuming that the current pay is open.
  • Show Lieu Entitlement - displays the current lieu day entitlements inclusive of the current pay, assuming that the current pay is open.
  • Show Long Service Leave Entitlement - displays the current long service entitlements inclusive of the current pay, assuming that the current pay is open.
  • Show Year to Date Totals - displays current gross earnings, PAYG and student loan repayments for the tax year that the pay period falls into.
  • Print Summary Slip - prints a separate sheet of totals for the pay at the end of the payslip run.
  • Only print pays that have changed - hides the employee from the report if the current pay is identical to the standard pay.
  • Show lines - show line separators between header and footer, for cosmetic enhancement.
  • Show titles - show the titles usually pre-printed on the payslip paper.
  • Show Direct Credit information - show the bank account numbers for any direct credits in the pay.
  • Show Shift Leave Entitlement - displays the current shift leave entitlements inclusive of the current pay, assuming that the current pay is open.
  • Show Other Leave Entitlement - displays the current other leave entitlements inclusive of the current pay, assuming that the current pay is open.
  • Show Rostered Days Off - displays the current Rostered Days Off entitlements inclusive of the current pay, assuming that the current pay is open.
  • Show MTD for Super Guarantee Scheme - displays a Month to Date total of employer superannuation.
  • Show Year to Date Superannuation - displays a Year to Date total of employer and employee superannuation (the Show Year to Date Totals option must also be enabled).
  • Wages lines in Detail - show individual wage lines as they appear in the current pay wages window, and a total for the wages lines at bottom.
  • Wages lines in Summary - show only a total across all wages lines in the pay, rather than each line by units, rate and rate type.
  • Top Margin Adjustment - used for the A4 security payslip; enables you to increase or decrease the top margin by 5mm either way. Useful if you want the payslip to start printing higher or lower on the page.
  • Calculate YTD Totals - choose how to calculate Year to Date totals. Choose from:
    • using the pay period end date - the report will start the year to date accrual with pays which have a pay period end date of 1 July or greater. Matches Accounting reports such as the Trial Balance.
    • using the physical pay date - the report will start the year to date accrual with pays which have a physical payment day that falls on 1 July or greater. Matches Tax reports such as the PAYG Payment Summary.
  • Print Report Using - you may elect to date pays by their pay period end date (earnings method), which matches Accounting reports such as the Trial Balance, or by their physical payment date (receipts method), which matches Tax reports such as the PAYG Payment Summary.

Payslip - PDF Email

As for the Payslip report.

Payslip Custom

Custom payslip layouts are set up in the Payslip section of the Setup Payroll window.

  • Print Summary Slip - prints a separate sheet of totals for the pay at the end of the payslip run.
  • Show Company Name - displays the company name at the top of each payslip, as provided in Payroll Setup window.
  • Show Address - shows address as given in the Employee Maintenance window.
  • Show Hourly Rate - an extra line apart from the wages lines, to indicate the employee's base hourly rate from the standard pay. If the employee is salaried, this option will print the employee's annual salary instead.
  • Show Annual Leave Entitlement - displays the current annual leave entitlements inclusive of the current pay, assuming that the current pay is open.
  • Show Personal Leave Entitlement - displays the current sick pay entitlements inclusive of the current pay, assuming that the current pay is open.
  • Show Lieu Entitlement - displays the current lieu day entitlements inclusive of the current pay, assuming that the current pay is open.
  • Show Long Service Leave Entitlement - displays the current long service entitlements inclusive of the current pay, assuming that the current pay is open.
  • Show Direct Credit information - show the bank account numbers for any direct credits in the pay.
  • Show Rostered Days Off - displays the current Rostered Days Off entitlements inclusive of the current pay, assuming that the current pay is open.
  • Show Year to Date Totals - displays current gross earnings, PAYG and student loan repayments for the tax year that the pay period falls into.
  • Show YTD Superannuation - displays a Year to Date total of employer and employee superannuation (the Show Year to Date Totals option must also be enabled).
  • Show MTD for Super Guarantee Scheme - displays a Month to Date total of employer superannuation.
  • Only print pays that have changed - hides the employee from the report if the current pay is identical to the standard pay.
  • Calculate YTD Totals and Print YTD Totals - choose how to calculate and display Year-to-Date totals. Choose from:
    • pay period end date - the report will start the Year-to-Date accrual with pays that have a Pay Period End Date of 1 July or later.
    • physical pay date - the report will start the Year-to-Date accrual with pays that have a Physical Payment Date of 1 July or later.
  • Print report using - you may elect to date pays by their pay period end date (earnings method), which matches Accounting reports such as the Trial Balance, or by their physical payment date (receipts method), which matches Tax reports such as the PAYG Payment Summary.
  • Wage lines - choose how to display employees' wage lines:
    • Detail - show individual wage lines as they appear in the current pay wages window, and a total for the wages lines at bottom.
    • Summary - show only a total across all wages lines in the pay, rather than each line by units, rate and rate type.
  • Print payslip layout - Choose which custom payslip layout to use when printing payslips: A4, A5 or MYOB A4 Security.
  • Email payslip layout - Choose which custom payslip layout to use when emailing payslips: A4, A5 or MYOB A4 Security.

Superannuation History

  • Show Department/Cost Centre on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department or cost centre.
  • Hide employee superannuation - tick to exclude employee contributions from the report.
  • Hide employer superannuation - tick to exclude employer contributions from the report.
  • Print report using - choose whether to report on pays based on their Pay Period End Date or Physical Pay Date.


  • Print each employee on a new page - allows you to print a timesheet for each employee on a separate page, rather than a generic timesheet for all employees.
  • Start Day - allows you to specify which day of the week that the first Heading input field corresponds to, i.e. the start day of your roster.
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