MyStaffInfo 2025.01 release notes
MYOB MyStaffInfo version 2025.01 improves security when you synchronise data between the MyStaffInfo management console and website.
From 30 January 2025, you'll only be able to synchronise your data if you’ve upgraded to 2025.01 and entered a new security key.
Upgrade to 2025.01
For instructions on upgrading MYOB MyStaffInfo, see Upgrading MyStaffInfo . This page also has a link to download the 2025.01 installation file for manual upgrades.
Enter your new security key
After upgrading to 2025.01, you need to enter a security key. This is a string of 32 letters and numbers that helps keep your data secure. You only need to do this once for each company.
Get your security key by calling either MYOB support or your support partner. Because your key is unique to company, you’ll need to provide your company ID.
Go to the Security Key window.
If you upgraded automatically, the Security Key window opens when the upgrade is finished.
If you upgraded manually, log in to MYOB Exo Employer Services, then go to Pay > MyStaffInfo. The Security Key window opens.
Enter the security key and click Save.
If you get a synchronisation error: “Could not log in to MyStaffInfo”
If you don’t upgrade and enter a new security key by 30 January 2025, you’ll get an error when synchronising, : “Could not log in to MyStaffInfo. Make sure you are a registered user.”
To fix this, click Enter Security Key in the bottom left, then follow the steps above to enter a new security key.