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Features of Time and Attendance

The following are some of the key features of the Exo Time and Attendance system.

Electronic Timeclocks

Electronic Data capture is the secret to the Exo Time and Attendance system. Using Electronic Timeclocks with Magnetic Swipe Cards or Bar-codes, an employee's Start/Finish and Break times are recorded and then down loaded as required to the Exo Time and Attendance software as required for processing. A dedicated PC is not required for Exo Time and Attendance.

Exo Time and Attendance Interface

The Exo Time and Attendance system is an Integrated Module within the Payroll system and can be interfaced to any Computerised Payroll system or Payroll Bureau, including IMS Payroll and Ace Payroll Plus to name a few. A Payroll Posting Report will provide the weekly attendance details for users with Manual Payroll Systems.

Automatic Processing

Exo Time and Attendance is able to be configured to uplift and process employee times from the clock automatically at a time when the PC is not being utilised i.e. in the middle of the night, thus keeping the PC free during the day for other tasks.

Extensive Reports

The secret to having a Computerised Timeclock and Employee Attendance System is having the ability to generate reports quickly and easily for any aspect of your Exo Time and Attendance system. Reports include: Daily Attendance, Payroll Posting Report, Missing Employee, Costing Analysis and Employee Masterfile plus many more.

Each of these reports can be printed for any range of dates, employees, departments and cost centres and can be printed to Printer, Screen or File.

Ease of Implementation
Using Exo Time and Attendance's innovative Template concept for setting up Employees, Rosters, Allowances and General rules, a system can be up and running in a couple of days.
Flexible Rosters
This is how Exo Time and Attendance knows who to expect to work on a particular day and when they should start and finish. Rosters can be created for any combination of Time bands - Day Shift, Night Shift, Weekends etc.
Exo Time and Attendance can keep track of Employee absences and rules can be set to handle paying non-worked time such as Sick Leave and Holiday Pay.
User Interface
Because Employee Time and Attendance systems are used by people, many of whom do not have extensive computer experience, the Exo Time and Attendance system has therefore been designed with the User in mind. User friendliness is the key, with drop down menus, quick access keys and mouse support. Full on-line help is available throughout the system by pressing F1.
Support and Training
We want you to get the maximum benefit from using your Exo Time and Attendance system therefore full training is given upon installation and ongoing support is available through our Time and Attendance Help Desk, with an 0800 number for out of town support.
Employee Masterfile
The Exo Time and Attendance system will handle as many employees as you wish, with full information held on each, including Daily or Weekly Roster, Department Cost Centre, Notes and much more.
The Exo Time and Attendance system will automatically calculate a wide range of allowances (up to 999) with options based on Hours Worked, Attendance, Days of the week plus much more.
Cost Centre Analysis
Experience has shown us that more and more companies want more detailed information on where Payroll costs are being spent, therefore, if required, the Exo Time and Attendance system will handle an unlimited number of cost centres per employee pay. This can be handled on either an actual or default basis. Tracking Job Costing Hours can also be handled if required.
Each employee has a notes screen on the employee master file. An unlimited number of dated, user definable notes may be kept for an employee. These notes can be edited or printed at any time.
Manual Timesheet Entry Module
For those clients where an Electronic Timeclock is not available or impractical, a Manual Timesheet entry module is available whereby Employee start/finish times can be entered from timesheets or Punch Cards, and Exo Time and Attendance will calculate the weekly totals etc. for transfer to a Payroll System.
A full history is kept for each employee for a minimum of two years prior to the current date. This allows total flexibility when reporting for a date range on any aspect of your Exo Time and Attendance system.
Backup and Restore
An important part of using any software is the ability to store your datafiles off your PC in case of hardware failure. The Exo Time and Attendance system has full backup and restore facilities including an enforced backup prior to updating the current pay period.
Through individual user/password combinations, the Exo Time and Attendance system has the ability to allow or deny access to any part of the system.
All upgrades to the Exo Time and Attendance system including system enhancements and legislative changes, are included in the Annual Licence Fee and will be sent to you automatically.
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