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Export General Ledger

The General Ledger Exporter is a utility designed to take a General Ledger output file from MYOB Exo Payroll and export it to an external software package. The following software packages are supported at present:


  • Accredo

  • Arrow

  • Attaché

  • Axapta

  • CBA

  • CashManager

  • Decfin

  • EmPower

  • Enprise SAP

  • Finance One

  • GreenTree

  • MYOB AccountRight Live

  • MYOB Cashbook Plus

  • MYOB Standard File

  • MYOB Exo Business

  • MYOB v. 1.0 -3.0

  • MYOB v. 4.0

  • Midas

  • Moneyworks


  • Navision

  • Navision Dataport

  • PSL

  • Profax

  • Quantum EE

  • QuickBooks IIF

  • Sage

  • SAP

  • SAP R/3 Format

  • Solomon

  • SunSystems

  • Systime (Kerridge)


  • Triumph

  • User Defined

The "User Defined" format lets you choose the payroll fields to export. File formats supported by the User Defined format export are:

  • Comma separated value file (CSV)
  • dBase database file (DBF)
  • Microsoft Excel file (XLS)
  • Microsoft Access file (MDB)
  • Tab separated value file (CSV)


  • All wages, allowances and leave should have a Cost Centre assigned to the transaction. That Cost Centre is in turn linked to a General Ledger code. Problems with the General Ledger export can sometimes be traced back to the Costing Analysis report.
  • Deductions (except from Employer Superannuation) do not have a cost centre but do have a General Ledger code, and as such are in the General Ledger.
  • For a detailed view of the transactions that make up the General Ledger Export file, use the General Ledger Report of the Financial tab of the Select Reports window (select Print Reports from the Reports menu) with the Detailed Report option turned on.

Exporting the General Ledger

From the Reports menu select Export General Ledger. This exports a summary of General Ledger activity, in order of GL code. The following window appears:

In general, General Ledger output files are exported for the Current Pay period only. Keep in mind that the pay frequency should match your Current Pay. If you are running multiple frequencies, set the Pay Frequency to "Any".

Select Export Type Choose the software package you would like to export the output file to.

Options Certain packages have extra setup requirements - these are covered in detail under Package-Specific Export Options.

Selection Ranges Set the ranges for Employee Code/Alpha, Department, General Ledger, and Pay Number as required. It is most common for all transactions in the pay to be exported - in this case leave all ranges empty.

Pay Type It is most common to be exporting a General Ledger output file for the Current Pay period only; in this case, set the Pay Type to "Current Pay". If you select "Selected", you must also set the Pay Period Date and Pay Number fields.

Pay Frequency The pay frequency should match your Current Pay. If you are running multiple frequencies, e.g. weekly wages and monthly salaries, set the Pay Frequency to "Any".

Export Payments Select which transactions to export. Choose from:

  • All General Ledger payments - always export all of the transactions in the pay.
  • Only payments not yet posted - when you create a GL file, the transactions in it are deemed to be "posted" to the General Ledger. Using this option avoids doubled-up postings, in that if there is a mistake in the GL file and you have to recreate it, only the transactions that are new to the second file will be posted, and the same accounts won't be processed twice.

Export File Name Specify the name of the exported file by entering a drive letter, directory and filename. Alternatively enter just a filename to create the file in Exo Payroll's installation directory.

Report Options

Report options common to all software packages can be accessed by clicking the Report Options button.

Use Grossed Up Value for Fringe Benefits When calculating WorkCover levies on fringe benefits, use the grossed-up value of the fringe benefit.

Hide WorkCover Prevent WorkCover from factoring into the totals.

Hide Superannuation Payment Amounts Prevent superannuation contributions from factoring into the totals.

Hide Leave Accrual Prevent leave accrual from factoring into the totals.

Summary report type Select this option to export summary data instead of detailed data.

Select Pays Using Select whether to use the Pay Period End Date or Physical Pay Date when selecting pays to post.

Package-Specific Export Options

The software packages listed below have extra setup options. When one of these packages is selected for the Export Type, the Options button becomes available at the top right of the General Ledger Exporter window. If there are no extra options, the Options button is disabled.

Click on a package's name below for information on the extra settings for that package.


 When ACCPAC is selected as the Export Type, the File Format option becomes available at the bottom right. Currently, this contains only one option: "Single CSV Format", which allows you to generate data in the comma-separated-value format that is acceptable to ACCPAC. This is essentially a plain text file, with comma delimiters.


Details  Enter a comment to go along with this batch, and the month/financial period in which this posting falls.

Source  This is a short code representing the software that the General Ledger entries originate from. Enter GL (for General Ledger).

Period for Posting  Enter the month number for the accounting period being reported on, e.g. 1 for January, 12 for December.

The General Ledger Code Structure settings tell the Accredo software to break up the Payroll's General Ledger code into meaningful segments during the import process:

  • Length of Account Number  Enter the length of your General Ledger account numbers as they appear in your Profax Accredo software, e.g. 8.

  • Length of Branch Code  Enter the length of your company branch codes, e.g. 4.

  • Length of Department Code  Enter the length of your company department codes, e.g. 4.

An extra option is also available on the main General Ledger Exporter window under the Select Export Type option.

Export File Type  Select the type of Accredo file to export. Choose from:

  • Accredo General Ledger Export - This file format contains the debits, credits, and General Ledger codes that are collated into a batch in preparation for import into Accredo's General Ledger.
  • Accredo Times Export - This file format contains the job codes and hours that are collated into a timesheet in preparation for import into Accredo's Job Costing function.

Company Code  Enter your two-digit company code.

Branch  Enter your two-digit branch code.

Detail  Enter a comment to go along with this batch e.g. MYOB / Wages / Import.


When CashManager is selected as the Export Type, the File Format option becomes available at the bottom right. Choose a file format from the following options:

  • ASCII file - This option exports data in a plain text file format, with comma delimiters
  • Standard dBase file - This option exports data into a table which adheres to a generic format, stored in a dBase table.
  • Accomplish dBase file - This option exports data into a table which adheres to Accomplish's proprietary format, stored in a dBase table.



Batch ID  Enter the batch ID relating to your company.

Entity Code  Enter the entity code for import from Exo Payroll.

Ledger Code  Enter the ledger code for import from Exo Payroll.

Financial Year  Enter the year (four digits).

Financial Period  Enter the month number for the accounting period being reported on, e.g. 1 for January, 12 for December.


Version of the File  This value will default to "1" and should not be altered unless under advice from a MYOB consultant.

Export ID  This is an internal reference code, denoting the nature of the file to be imported by emPower. This value will default to "GL1" and should not be altered unless under advice from a MYOB consultant.

Comments  Enter the Company Name, or any other comments to show upon import.



Company Code  An alphanumeric code can be entered in this field. It can be anything, but ideally should relate to your company.

Batch Number  This is a numeric field only. Enter a batch number relating to your company - this will help you keep track of what batches you have created.

Batch Description  An alphanumeric field for entering a brief description of what the batch represents.

Document Description  Enter a 2-digit code that represents what this document is.

Matching Codes  This table matches Greentree code(s) with Exo Payroll General Ledger codes, so that when the file is exported into the Greentree program it will be able to recognise the information. Enter information into the Payroll GL Code and Output "Cash Analysis" fields.

Payroll GL Code  These are the General Ledger codes set up in Exo Payroll.

Output "Cash Analysis"  This is the Greentree code equivalent to each Exo Payroll GL code.

Summary Only  Ticking this option summarises what is generated in the output file and only shows the totals under each General Ledger code.

MYOB AccountRight Live/Premier

Account Number Length  Specify the total number of characters that General Ledger account codes have. For example, the code 9400-10 has seven characters (the dash is included).

Pay Grouping  Specify how pays should be grouped. Select from:

  • Each employee pay as a single journal
  • Each pay as a single journal

Tax Code  Enter the tax code to use.

MYOB v.1.0-3.0, MYOB 4.0

Account Number Length  Specify the total number of characters that General Ledger account codes have. For example, the code 9400-10 has seven characters (the dash is included).

Navision, Navision Dataport

Document Number  This is a general description, which indicates the purpose of the file. Normally, the default of "ACCRV" is acceptable.

Account Type  This is a general description, which indicates the type of account being affected. Normally, the default of "G/L Account" is acceptable.

Pay Description  Enter a brief description of what the pay represents.


Details  Enter a comment to go along with this batch e.g. MYOB / Wages / Import.

Period for Posting  Enter the month number for the accounting period being reported on, e.g. 1 for January, 12 for December.

Quantum EE

Journal Date  The date of processing of this batch of journal entries.

Narration  Enter a comment/reference to go along with this batch e.g. MYOB / Wages / Import.



Batch ID  A unique identifier for this batch.

AUD  Signifies the transaction currency, either Australian dollars (AUD) or New Zealand dollars (NZD).

Transaction Type  Select "Debit" or "Credit".

Profit Centre  The SAP equivalent of a Exo Payroll Cost Centre.

Reference  Enter a comment to go along with this batch.

SAP R/3 Format

Posting Date  Select the posting date to be recorded in the export files.

Document Mark  This value should be left at the default of 23.

Document Number  Enter an internal document number for the export files. This field defaults to a number based on the month of export.

Use Costcentre code from  Select which segment of the Cost Centre Structure to use for Cost Centres in the export files.

Reference  Enter descriptive text for the export file.


Reference  Entering a reference code here overrides any identifier that may have been stored against the individual entry at transaction level with a global default code.

Date  Entering a period end date here overrides any date that has been stored against the individual entry at transaction level. 

Comment  Entering a comment here overrides any comment that may have been stored against the individual entry at transaction level with a global default code.


 When the Export Type is set to Solomon, extra options appear at the bottom of the window:

File Format  Select the file format to export to. Choose from:

  • Solomon V1.0
  • Solomon V2.0.1432

Length of Account Number  8-digit codes are in use. These are to be split in half: the first 4 digits are the account and the second 4 digits are the subaccount. Should default to 4.


When the Export Type is set to SunSystems, an extra option appears at the bottom of the window:

Journal Type  This is a comment/reference, for the current batch of General Ledger entries. The default value is "SVPYI". You may need to alter this, if advised to by SunSystems.


User Defined

Fields tab  Select the information you want to export by highlighting the fields and clicking the single arrow (>). If you want to see all the fields click on the double arrow (>>).  To deselect the option(s) click on the single or double arrows (< or <<).

Export File tab  Select the type of file you want to output.

Date Format  If you are exporting the pay period date for the pay, take care to specify a date format which is acceptable to your General Ledger software, e.g. dd/mm/yyyy being 15/08/2002. Specifying the wrong date format can cause the import to fail.

GL Code tab  This is the maintenance tab for setting up what the file is going to look like once it's exported.

Split General Ledger Code  Some accounting systems require the code to be split into parts. Select how many parts to split the code into, from one to four.

Length of field  Specify how long the field can be.

Default GL Code  If no GL code is specified for a transaction, it will be journalised to this code.

Sort Orders  Set primary and secondary sort orders - usually you would sort by GL code then employee code.

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