Exo Time and Attendance Report Options
Card File
- Print each department/cost centre on a new page - starts a new page for each department, if the primary sort order is set to department, or a new page for each cost centre, if the primary sort order is set to cost centre.
Employee Bar Codes
- Print each department/cost centre on a new page - starts a new page for each department, if the primary sort order is set to department, or a new page for each cost centre, if the primary sort order is set to cost centre.
- Print payslip name - show the payslip name as given in the Open Employee screen, as opposed to Surname, First Name.
- Label Layout - enables you to use normal A4 paper or LC24 / Avery L7159/1560/DL20 sticky labels.
- Top margin offset - enables you to increase the top margin if labels don't line up properly on your printer
- Left margin offset - enables you to increase the left hand margin if labels don't line up properly on your printer
- Detailed Report - This will display an additional column for the employee's roster. In other words, for the date range specified, a line for each day, containing the date rostered, the daily rule code and name, and rostered hours to be worked.
- Show Hourly Rates - This will display the employee's current hourly rate - useful for ascertaining the productive cost of the roster.
- Print each department/cost centre on a new page - starts a new page for each department, if the primary sort order is set to department, or a new page for each cost centre, if the primary sort order is set to cost centre.
- Show terminated employees - hide ex-employees from the report.
Projected Forecast
Scheduling Exceptions
- Show details - This will display an extra line for the date of the exception, and the nature of the exception, e.g. if the employee has worked more than a set number of hours on a given day.
- Show hourly rate - This will display the employee's currently hourly rate - useful for ascertaining the productive cost of the exceptional day.
Staff Schedule
- Show start & finish times - Normally, each cell contains the daily rule code for the day in question, turn on this option to show the rostered start and finish times inside each cell.
- Show terminated staff -Normally, the report does not show ex-employees, as it is used for future planning. If you wish to see roster activity from the past, you may also wish to see employees who were a part of that activity, but are no longer active.
- Excel - Show Daily Rule Code - Set the report destination to Excel file and turn on this option to show the daily rule code inside each cell (recommended).
- Excel - Show Daily Rule Name - Set the report destination to Excel file and turn on this option to show the name of the daily name inside each cell, instead of the daily rule code.
- Excel - Show Start & Finish Times - Set the report destination to Excel file and turn on this option to show the rostered start and finish times inside each cell , instead of the daily rule code.
- Print each employee/department on a new page - Set the primary sort order to Employee/Department and turn on this option to start printing at the top of a new page each time an employee/department grouping is encountered. This extra flexibility will enable you to give a printout to each individual, detailing his/her upcoming roster. Alternatively, you may be able to give a printout to a department supervisor for checking, as opposed to the supervisor having to log into Exo Time and Attendance for the on-screen version.
- View Type
- Week - shows seven columns, one for each day of the week. Note that because there are less cells to display, each cell can now contain more information. Usually, the option to show start and finish times would also be enabled – this gives the employee a clearer idea of when they are supposed to work.
- Month - shows one column for each day of the month
- Print Employees - shows which employees are eligible for the allowance in question.
Cost Centre Bar Codes
- Show in the Report – enables you to display the entire cost centre, or alternatively only the relevant part of the cost centre analysis. This may be more suitable, if your cost centres are structured for hierarchical job costing. You could print your primary cost centre part codes on one sheet, and then your secondary part codes on another sheet. Swiping bar codes can then be a dynamic process of mixing and matching the relevant cost centre parts.
- Clock Type - choose from Datapen (handheld infra-red pen scanner) or TR3 (wall mounted slot-based scanner).
- Label Layout - enables you to use normal A4 paper or LC24 / Avery L7159/60 sticky labels.
- Top margin offset - enables you to increase the top margin if labels don't line up properly on your printer.
- Left margin offset - enables you to increase the left hand margin if labels don't line up properly on your printer.
Cost Centres
Daily Rules
- Show Scheduling Information - displays extra information, which governs how the daily rule is represented visually on the Staff Scheduler, as held in the Daily Rules Maintenance screen.
Employee Groups
Note Types
Rounding Groups
Scheduling Criteria
- Detailed Report - This will display an additional line for each employee to whom the Scheduling Criteria item is assigned.
Statutory Holiday Groups
User Security
Weekly Employee Roster
Weekly Groups
- Print Roster Code - shows the appropriate daily roster code for the day
- Print each department/cost centre on a new page - starts a new page for each department, if the primary sort order is set to department, or a new page for each cost centre, if the primary sort order is set to cost centre.
- Cost By Pay Periods - displays only the last pay period, with Ordinary time and Overtime split according to the rules in the Weekly Groups.
- Detail Report - displays the costing on a daily basis, with hours and costing for each day.
- Print each department on a new page - starts a new page for each department, if the primary sort order is set to department.
- Productive Cost – there are three possible choices to select from here:
- Do Not Show – do not show the estimated cost of the productive labour at all.
- Use Exo Time and Attendance Productive Cost per Hour – takes the hours worked and multiplies by the employee's productive cost per hour (from Exo Time and Attendance's Open Employee screen) to give a dollar value. In other words, take Exo Time and Attendance's estimate of what the employee is worth in terms of their productivity per hour.
- Use Pay Rate Type 1 for Wage Employees – source the hourly rate from what the employee is currently being paid (from Payroll's standard pay screen).
Daily Attendance
- Ignore Days No Times - hides days for which no in or out times were clocked
- Invalid Days only - hides days in which in and out times were clocked, and also hide days with odd numbers of clockings provided they are not invalid
- Print Rostered times - shows the employees' intended working hours for that day
- Variance days only - hides days in which the times were within the daily roster variance limits for that day
- New page/department - starts a new page for each department, if the primary sort order is set to department
- Lineflow Paper - formats the report for US standard fanfold paper size, used by many dot matrix printers
- Rostered Days Only - wherever you have applied a daily rule starting with the letters NR, and that day is valid, and there are no hours clocked for that day, the day in question will be hidden from the report - NR meaning that an employee is not rostered to come in but may be called in if circumstances require it.
- Show Cost Centre as - select from either Code or Name, whichever is more meaningful in the context of this report.
Exception History
- Show Exception Hours Percentage - indicates the proportion of non- productive hours as a percentage rate.
- Print each department/cost centre on a new page - starts a new page for each department, if the primary sort order is set to department, or a new page for each cost centre, if the primary sort order is set to cost centre.
Invalid Clockings
- Print each department/cost centre on a new page - starts a new page for each department, if the primary sort order is set to department, or a new page for each cost centre, if the primary sort order is set to cost centre.
Missing Employees
- Invalid Days Only - hides days in which in and out times were clocked, and also hide days with odd numbers of clockings provided they are not invalid
- Print each department/cost centre on a new page - starts a new page for each department, if the primary sort order is set to department, or a new page for each cost centre, if the primary sort order is set to cost centre.
Payroll Posting
- Decimal Hours - shows the total hours to pay in decimal rather than base 60, useful for reconciling with the payroll which pays in decimal hours.
- Show Invalid Days – shows days in which no in and out times were clocked, and also show days with odd numbers of clockings provided they are invalid.
- Ignore days with no times - hides days for which no in or out times were clocked, useful for flexible rosters.
- Lineflow Paper - formats the report for US standard fanfold paper size, used by many dot matrix printers.
- New page/department - starts a new page for each department, if the primary sort order is set to department.
Revenue Analysis
Transaction Listing
- New page/department - starts a new page for each department, if the primary sort order is set to department