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Current Pay - Carer's Leave

Click the Carer's Leave button on the Leave Management window to pay an employee Carer's Leave.

Personal Leave Balance This field will show the Hours that an employee still has available to use.

Hours Carer's Leave To Pay This field is used to type in the number of hours of carer's leave that you want to pay an employee. If these are greater than that shown for the Personal Leave Balance, a warning will be displayed, and you will be asked if you want to pay an advance. If you click Yes, the amount is shown opposite Carer's Leave Amount.

Dates Taken Clicking on the Dates Taken button brings up a calendar, from which you need to specify which calendar days the carer's leave fell on.

To colour a cell, click on the appropriate day. Click Save or press F10 to save your changes and return to the Carer's Pay window.

Carer's Leave Amount This field shows the dollar value of carer's leave that the employee is going to be paid. You can override this value by ticking the Override box and entering a new amount.

Cost Centre Although carer's leave is automatically costed to the employee's default Cost Centre, this field allows you to cost the carer's leave value to a different Cost Centre.

Carer's Leave Note This field allows you to add more to the automatically-created carer's leave note in the employee's Notes file.

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