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Available Exo Employee Information Reports

MYOB Exo Employee Information's reports concern insurance providers requirements, OSH requirements, reminders and masterfile listings.

Employee Reports | Maintenance Reports | Training Reports

Employee reports



Candidate Details

Lists all Candidates in the system, with key details.

Disciplinary Action

Lists all Disciplinary incidents by employee, with key details.

Employee Benefits

Lists all Benefits by employee, with key details.

Employee Career Planning

Lists all employees that have been assigned a Career Plan, including details of the Career Plans and Career Plan Goals in each plan.

Employee Details

Displays personal, contact and supervisor details for all selected employees.

Employee Details Summary

Displays summarised key details of all selected employees.

Employee Exit Interviews

Lists all employees that have been assigned an Exit Interview Plan, including details of the Exit Interview Plans and Exit Interview Points in each plan.

Employee Induction

Lists all employees that have been assigned an Induction Plan, including details of the Induction Plans and Induction Bullet Points in each plan.

Employee Leave History

Lists all Leave (Annual Leave, Sick Pay, etc.) recorded for employees.

Employee Notes

Lists all Employee Notes recorded for employees.

Employee Performance Reviews

Lists all employees that have been assigned a Performance Review Plan, including details of the Performance Review Plans and Performance Review Points in each plan.

Employee Quals. & Education

Lists all Qualifications and Education by employee, with key details.

Employee Renum. & Benefits

Lists all remuneration changes and Benefits recorded for all employees, with key details.

Employee Remuneration

Lists all remuneration changes by employee, with key details.

Employee Skills

Lists the skills assigned to all selected employees.

Employee Tasks/Duties

Lists the tasks and duties assigned to all selected employees.

Employee Training

Lists the Training Courses assigned to all selected employees, with key details.

Employee Work History

Displays the Work History of all selected employees, showing any changes in Position.

User Defined1

Produces a report based on the user-defined fields set up for the User Defined1 button on the Other tab of the Employee Maintenance window.

User Defined2

Produces a report based on the user-defined fields set up for the User Defined2 button on the Other tab of the Employee Maintenance window.

Maintenance Reports



Employee Groups

Lists all Employee Groups, displaying a breakdown of their Codes.

Exit Interview Procedures

Lists all Exit Interview Points in the system.

Induction Plan

Prints out a copy of the selected Induction Plans.

Performance Reviews

Prints out a copy of the selected Performance Review Plans.


Lists all Positions in the system, with key details.

Skills by Employee Group

Lists all skills, sorted by the Employee Groups that they are allocated to.

Skills by Position

Lists all skills, sorted by the Positions that they are allocated to.

Skills by Skill

Lists all skills in alphabetical order.

Tasks/Duties by Employee Group

Lists all tasks/duties, sorted by the Employee Groups that they are allocated to.

Tasks/Duties by Position

Lists all tasks/duties, sorted by the Positions that they are allocated to.

Tasks/Duties by Tasks/Duties

Lists all tasks/duties in alphabetical order.

User Security

Lists all the users that have access to the system and the areas they can access.

Training Reports



Training Courses

Lists all Training Courses in the system, with key details.

Training Providers

Lists all Training Providers in the system, with key details.

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