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Using employee requirements to track COVID-19 vaccination status

As of version 8.3, the Employee Requirements feature ensures that sensitive data, like COVID-19 vaccination status or other medical data, is only available to relevant team leaders and managers.

This feature can be used to ensure that people who do not meet the requirements for their role or location – for example, those who haven't proved their COVID-19 vaccination status – can't be rostered on for a shift.

To add an employee requirement
  1. Go to Management > Settings > Requirements.
  2. Click Add new. The Add Requirement window opens.

  3. Complete the Name and Abbreviation fields.

  4. If you want to restrict viewing of this requirement to specific groups, click Add Permission Group. For example, if only partners should be able to see the status of this requirement for employees, add the Partner permission group.

  5. If you need the employee to provide evidence that they've met a specific requirement, select the Requires Evidence checkbox. For example, the employee might need to prove their COVID-19 vaccination status.

  6. If you need to collect the expiry date of the requirement, select the Expires checkbox.

    In many countries, there are no specific expiry dates for COVID-19 vaccinations. If this is true of your country, you don't need to select this checkbox.
  7. Click Save.

To add a requirement to a location
  1. Go to Management > Settings > Edit Location.
  2. Either add a new location by clicking the plus button (
    ), or edit an existing location by clicking the Edit icon (
  3. In the Requirements field, click Add Requirement and select a requirement from the list. For example, the image below shows that employees at the Ann Street Mall location must prove their COVID-19 vaccination status.

    Adding a requirement to a location means employees who don't meet the requirement can't be rostered on from the time this setting is updated.

  4. Click Save.
To add a requirement to a position
  1. Go to Management > Settings > Edit Positions.
  2. Either add a new position by clicking the plus button (
    ), or edit an existing position by clicking the Edit icon (
  3. In the Requirements field, click Add Requirement and select a requirement from the list. For example, the image below shows that all employees in the Sales position must prove their COVID-19 vaccination status.

    Adding a requirement to a position means employees who don't meet the requirement can't be rostered on from the time this setting is updated.

  4. Click Save.

How can an employee update their requirement status?

For an employee to be rostered after a requirement is added to their location or position, the employee must follow these steps to update their requirement status.

  1. In the top right of Workforce Management, click your name and choose My Profile.
  2. On the left, click Requirements and Qualifications.
  3. Complete the fields in the Employee Requirement window.
How do I make sure my roster adheres to employee requirements?

When building a roster, only employees who comply with defined Employee Requirements will be available to fill a shift.

Who can view the status of an employee requirement?

In the Edit Requirement window, the Restrict viewing to Permission Groups field determines who can view the status of a requirement. If no permission groups have been added to the field, then anyone can view the status. If a permission group has been added to the field, only members of that permissions group can see the status.

For example, the image below shows that only members of the Manager permission group can see the status of the COVID-19 Vaccination Status requirement.

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