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Setting up and reporting on clock questions

Clock questions let you get information from your employees about their shift when they clock in or out of shifts or breaks. You can then report on the responses to get valuable information about individual shifts and trends to help you improve your business practices.

You can ask simple yes/no questions, or open-ended ones with a text response. You can also make answering the questions required, and specify which clock events they apply to.

Clock questions are available for mobile clocking and the new location clock app. If you're still on the legacy clock app, consider moving to the new one to make use of clock questions. For more information, see Setting up a time clock.

Turning on clock questions

  1. Go to Management > Settings > Clocking.
  2. Under Shared settings, select Enable clock questions.
  3. Click Save.

Creating clock questions

Creating a clock in question
  1. Go to Management > Settings > Clock questions.
  2. Click Add clock event question (
    ). The Add panel opens.
  3. Enter the text.
    This is what your employees will see when they clock in. If you're making a yes/no question, make sure this is phrased as a question.
  4. Select the Question type – either Yes/No or Text.
  5. If you only want the event to apply to certain clock events, click Add clock event and select the events it should apply to.
    By default, clock questions will be asked every time an employee clocks in or out of a shift or break.
  6. If you'd like to set up an email notification, select Yes for Alert manager if response is 'yes'.
    Alerts are only available for yes/no questions.
  7. Click Add to save your question.
Editing or deleting a clock question

You can only edit the

  1. Go to Management > Settings > Clock questions.
    The list of clock questions appears.
  2. To delete a question, click Remove (
    ), then confirm your decision.
  3. To edit a question, click Edit (
    ), update the Clock events and Alert manager if response is 'yes' fields, then click Update to save.

Viewing and actioning responses to clock questions

When you are notified of an employee's yes answer by email, click the direct link to be taken straight to the clock questions report. To see other replies, you can open the report manually, or look at the responses against timesheets on the Manage Time screen.

There are two dedicated reports for clock questions, Clock questions details, and Clock questions follow up.

The Clock questions detail report is for looking at all responses to find useful information and identify trends. The Clock questions follow up report is filtered to those clock questions that triggered a manager notification, and shows when they were followed up, and by whom.

You need manager permission or higher to view these reports.

Viewing the Clock questions detail report

The Clock questions detail report shows all clock responses. View it to find useful information and identify trends.

  1. Go to Management > Reporting > T&A > Clock questions details.
  2. Update the report filters to show the information you need:
    • Use the calendar controls at the top of the report to choose the date range displayed.
    • To change the fields that are shown, click Show/hide columns (
  3. If you want to work with the report data (for example as a spreadsheet) click Export CSV.
  4. To print the report, use your web browser's print function.
Viewing the Clock questions detail report

The Clock questions follow up report shows responses that require manager follow-up, when they were followed up and by whom.

  1. Go to Management > Reporting > T&A > Clock questions follow up.
  2. Update the report filters to show the information you need:
    • Use the calendar controls at the top of the report to choose the date range displayed.
    • To change the fields that are shown, click Show/hide columns (
    • If you want to display all questions, not only those that require a response, clear the Only show 'follow up required' checkbox.
  3. To mark that a response has been followed up, expand the actions column.
  4. If you want to work with the report data (for example as a spreadsheet) click Export CSV.
  5. To print the report, use your web browser's print function.

Frequently asked questions

What is Shift enjoyment?

Shift enjoyment prompts employees to rate their shifts. While you can turn this setting on, the information isn't available in any reports.



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