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Pay Tags

Pay tags let you update pay settings for particular groups of employees. For example, you could tag all your first aid officers to easily pay them their monthly allowance, or tag all the staff who work in shipping team to make sure their overtime gets coded to a special cost centre.

Once you've created pay tags and applied them to a group of employees, you can use them to:

  • modify pay rules
  • map cost centres to MYOB Advanced Payroll subaccounts.

Setting up pay tags

Add, edit, or delete a pay tag

Manage your list of tags on the Managament > Settings > Pay tags page.

Click the plus button to add a new pay tag, and use the buttons in the Actions column to edit or delete existing ones.

Screenshot of the Pay tags page

You can't delete a pay tag once it's been added to an employee – you'll need to remove it first.

Give each tag a Name to identify it throughout your software and a Description to keep track of what you're using it for. Leave External ID empty for now – it will be used in a future update.

Add a pay tag to an employee

Add pay tags to employees from the Management > Employees page.

  1. Click the edit button to bring up the individual employee's page, then open the Finance and Payroll tab.
  2. Click Edit at the bottom right of the page.
  3. Click the Add payroll tag button in the Payroll details section, and choose the pay tag from the drop-down menu.
    Screenshot of the Add payroll tag button.

If you need to update the pay tags for a lot of employees at once, try using the Importing employees via Excel/CSV or talk to your How do I get technical support?.

Working with pay tags

Create a pay rule using a pay tag

When creating or updating a Setting up pay conditions, use the Employee has a pay tag condition to make it apply to employees with or without a particular tag.


Screenshot of adding a pay tag condition to a pay rule

For the full story, take a look at Setting up pay conditions.

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