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MYOB Advanced Team 5.1 September 2023

MYOB Advanced Team 5.0 fixes some issues with documents, as well as a problem with the Location dropdown on the expense screen.

What's new?

Add multiple work types to timesheets

 So they can give employees access to the appropriate allowances based on their pay rules, managers can now add multiple work types to timesheets through the mobile app.

For more information about editing timesheets, see Approving, rejecting, and editing timesheets.

Track the status of expenses

In line with the changes in the web app, mobile users can now see whether expense requests have been paid, as well as approved.

Get warned about other employee leave when approving leave requests

To help you avoid scheduling too much leave one the same day, you will now get a warning before approving leave.

We'll let you know if other employees are on leave, and how many, so you can make a more informed decision.

For more information about managing leave in the mobile app, see Leave and availability.

What's fixed?

Users with Manager with Payroll access and above getting an unauthorised error when viewing expense claime.Affected users can now correctly view expense claims.
Some users able to see the Approve and Decline buttons without the permission to approve.The buttons now only show for users with the appropriate permission.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.