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Setting up standard hours: default standard hours and alerts

Standard hours determine what your employees standard work patterns are. As well as setting up standard hours for employees, you can set a company-wide default. You can also set up standard hours alerts to make it clear when shifts fall outside those standard hours.

Default standard hours

MYOB Acumatica — Workforce Management uses employees' standard hours to know which days they should be paid for when taking leave that spans non-working days. This is set on a per-employee basis for most employees, however you can also set a company-wide default if most employees keep the same schedule.

This is especially important if you have casual staff. Because some casual employees are deliberately set up without their own standard hours, setting up default standard hours helps you pay these employees accurately for leave.

Default standard hours in action

A dog grooming business is open Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, with a one-hour break each day. These are their default standard hours, and any employees working a different work pattern have their standard hours added manually.

One of their casual groomers (with no individual standard hours) takes sick leave from Thursday to Tuesday. Default standard hours tells the system to only add leave for Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday.

Updating your company’s default standard hours

  1. Go to Management > Settings > Default Standard Hours.

  2. Select the checkboxes for the days of the week to include in your default standard hours.

  3. Click the clock icons to enter the start and end times for the shift and break on each day.

  4. When you’re done, click Save standard hours.

Be careful!

Double-check your changes, as default standard hours can have a significant effect on leave calculations.

Standard hours alerts

The alert for standard hours is the Out of pattern alert. It is triggered when an employee's shift is outside of their usual shift pattern.

To help make sure your employees shifts are within their standard hours, consider setting up an Out of pattern alert, either just as a warning message or as a blocker.

For information on setting up an alert, see Managing alerts .

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