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How do I edit an existing leave/unavailability request?

As a Manager, you can edit an existing lave and/or unavailability requests through the Leave page.

  1. On the dashboard, click Leave.
  2. This opens the Manage Leave page. You can change the filters and grouping to find the leave request(s) you want to edit.
  3. Click on the Edit (pencil) icon in the Action column on a request you want to edit. The Leave Request window is displayed:
  4. Fill out all the required details to submit a leave request.
    • Name - Select the employee you wish to add a new request for
    • Location - Choose a location for where the leave is for
    • Type - Select a leave type (e.g. Unavailable for Casual staff; Annual Leave, Personal Leave, etc. for Part time and Full time staff)
    • Allocation - Select if Full Day, Half Day, or Custom Times
    • Start Date - Select a start leave date from the date picker
    • End Date - Select an end leave date from the date picker
    • Note - Enter leave details (e.g. the reason for taking leave)
    • Supporting Documentation - Upload a file for proof if any
    • Repeat Every - Select a recurrence if necessary then input a Reoccurrence End Date.
  5. Click the Save button when finished. (You can click the Close button if you have changed your mind - this will disregard the leave.)

For information about Estimated Balances, see Checking my leave balances

Leave will be submitted, provided there are no conflicting/clashing shifts. Make sure all the details are valid and are not clashing with the existing leaves/shifts for the same employee.

Once you’ve saved the leave successfully, it will display in the leave request table with the rest of the requested leaves (as long as you are looking at the correct location for the leave).


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