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Form Reference - Employees List screen

UI Description for the Employees screen:

Screenshot showing Employees screen with numbered elements.

Screenshot showing Employees screen with numbered elements.

You will also see the resend invite button (11) only when using the "Show Only: Invited" filter option.

Screenshot showing Resend Invite button when using Show Only Invited filter.

Screenshot showing Resend Invite button when using Show Only Invited filter.

1. Add Employee

Used to add an employee immediately without going through the Onboarding/Invite process.

2. Invite Employee

Used to send an onboarding invitation to an employee.

3. Filters

Please note: Filters on the employee screen are still constrained by the Location you are logged into (top left of screen), this restriction applies before any filters you set in the Filters panel.

Brings up the Filters panel on the left side of the screen, with options


Screenshot of Filters list in 24.9

Please note, this is the full filter list available to an Administrator, some options are restricted.

Access to
Filter Option

Hiring Manager


Manager + Finance

Manager + Payroll


Show Only


















Pay Group






Employment Type






Pay Rule






Pay Level






Pay Run Template






Pay Type






Pay Hours per Week






Anniversary Date







3.A. Filter - Employee Status

FIlter options for Employee Status are:

Filter Name

Filter Criteria


Shows employees that have finished onboarding and are not deleted.


Shows Terminated employees


Shows employees at the first stage of the onboarding process, who have been sent an invite link but have not yet created an account.


Shows employees who are part way through the onboarding process, who have used the invite link they were sent to create an account but have not completed the onboarding form.

3.B. Filter - Rostering Status

FIlter options for Rostering status are:

Filter Name

Filter Criteria


Shows Payrolled employees who are Rosterable.


Shows Payrolled employees who are Not Rosterable. (New hires will normally be here once they finish onboarding.)

3.C. Filter - Payroll Condition

FIlter options for Rostering status are:

Filter Name

Filter Criteria


Shows Payrolled employees


Shows Non-Payrolled employees.
(Employees who are not synchronized to Payroll software & who are not Rosterable.)

3.D. Filter - Permission Group

Filter by the permission groups assigned to an employee. Set in the Location Access tab of an empoloyee.

3.E. Filter - Location

Filter by assigned Primary Location. Set in the Location Access tab of an employee.

3.F. Filter - Position

Filter by assigned Position. Set in the Personal Information tab of an employee.

3.G. Filter - Pay Group

Not currently a concept we use, the Pay Group filter option should be ignored.

3.H. Filter - Employment Type

Filter between Casual, Part Time & Full-Time options. Set in the Finance & Payroll tab of an employee.

3.I. Filter - Pay Condition

Filter by Pay Condition. Set in the Finance & Payroll tab of an employee.

3.J. Filter - Pay Run Template

Filter based on which Pay Run Template is assigned to an employee. Set in the Finance & Payroll tab of an employee.

3.K. Filter - Agreement

Filter by Agreement. Set in the Finance & Payroll tab of an employee.

3.L. Filter - Pay Level

Filter by Pay Levels. Set in the Finance & Payroll tab of an employee.

3.M. Filter - Pay Tag

Filter by Pay Tags assigned to employee on the Finance & Payroll tab of an employee.

3.N. Filter - Pay Rate From/To

Filter by Pay Rate from the Finance & Payroll tab of an employee.

3.O. Filter - Pay Hours Per Week From/To

Filter by Pay Hours per Week from the Finance & Payroll tab of an employee.

3.P. Filter - Anniversary From/To

Filter by employee's next Anniversary date. Set in the Finance & Payroll tab of an employee.

3.Q. Button - Apply Filters

Applies settings currently selected. (Closing without pressing this discards changes/keeps your existing filter)

3.R. Button - Default

Clears all filters currently set and sets Employee Status filtering to Active, Invited & Onboarding .

3.S. Button - Cancel

Closes filter menu without changing existing filter.

4. Bulk Actions

Gives the ability to Bulk Update selected employees. To use tick the box to the left of the Employee's record:

For a full list of which fields can be bulk edited, see the table below in Show/Hide Columns.

5. Show/Hide Columns

Allows you to choose what columns are displayed on screen.

Table below shows the exact column definitions and where you can set them normally.

Column Name


Set At


Bulk Edit?

First Name

Employee First Name

Employee - Personal Information.



Last Name

Employee Last Name

Employee - Personal Information.



Full Name

Combination of Last Name & either Preferred Name or First Name.

Employee - Personal Information.



Primary Location

Primary Location of Employee in WFM

Employee - Location Access




Position set for the employee.

Employee - Personal Information.



Start Date

Start Date with Company.

Employee - Personal Information.



Anniversary Date

Anniversary Date with Company.

Employee - Finance & Payroll



Employment Type

What employment type is the employee working under? Full Time/Part Time/Casual/Contractor

Employee - Finance & Payroll



Pay Group

Field not currently used.





Is the employee rosterable?

Employee - Settings



Permission Group

Permission Group from Employee's Primary Location

Employee - Location Access



Display Costing

Will Costings be displayed on Rosters/Timesheets for this employee?

Employee - Settings



Leave Entitlement

Defines which set of leave types an employee can use, and their leave loading calculations.

Employee - Finance & Payroll




Award/collective agreement employee is employed under

Employee- Finance & Payroll



Pay Level

Pay Level employee is on. 

Employee - Finance & Payroll



Pay Condition

Pay condition employee is on.

Employee - Finance & Payroll



Pay Run Template

Which Pay Run Template should the employee be attached to?

Employee - Finance & Payroll



Pay Rate

Rate per year/hour as set on the Employee screen.

Employee - Finance & Payroll



External Reference

Payroll system EmployeeID

Employee - Personal Information.



Max Hours

Maximum hours per week for Rostering alerts.

Employee - Settings



Primary Pay Type

Field not currently used.




Termination Date

Date employee's termination happened/will happen.

Employee - Employment Status



Last Successful Sync

When was the linked payroll software employee last updated?

System Generated



Sync Error

If the employee has an error here, it indicates changes to their profile are failing to update their payroll software employee record.

System Generated



TFN (AU Only)

Tax File Number - Australian Taxation Identifier

Employee - Finance & Payroll



IRD (NZ Only)

Inland Revenue Department - New Zealand Taxation Identifier

Employee - Finance & Payroll



Tax Code (NZ Only)

Declared tax code for the employee from their IR330.

Employee - Finance & Payroll



KiwiSaver Status (NZ Only)

Kiwisaver contribution status.

Employee - Finance & Payroll




Fields below are only available to Bulk Edit (Not visible in the Employees screen as columns, but can be updated)




Pay basis

How is the employee paid: Per Hour or Per Annum.

Employee - Finance & Payroll



Pay hours / week

Total number of hours employee is paid each week

Employee - Finance & Payroll



Pay hours / day

Total number of paid hours an employee works each day.

Employee - Finance & Payroll



Pay days / week

Total number of paid days an employee works each week.

Employee - Finance & Payroll



Payroll Tags

Payroll Tags for the employee that help govern Pay Rules.

Employee - Finance & Payroll



ESCT Rate (NZ Only)

ESCT Rate for kiwisaver contributions.

Employee - Finance & Payroll



STP Categories (AU Only)

Field not currently used.




6. Search Table

The search box allows you to find specific employees easily.

7: Export CSV

Allows an export of all currently visible columns

8. Employee list column headers

The headers for each column Of note:

Clicking the empty check box at the left hand side of the screen will select all currently visible employees

Clicking a column header will sort your employee list by that Column. Clicking again will change the direction of the sort. (Descending vs Ascending)

9. Employee records

Each line represents 1 employee/user that meets your filter criteria.

10. Edit Employee

Clicking the Edit/pencil icon will take you to the employee's profile so you can look up exact information/make changes.

11. Re-send Invite Email

This option is only available when an employee is still on the invited status.

As soon as the employee has created & associated an account by using their invite link, the employee moves to the Onboarding status and the Resend Invite option is no longer available.

If you have an employee struggling to use their invite, if they have moved to the Onboarding status this indicates they need to go directly to Workforce Management and Login using the account they created by going to


If you need more help with this topic, contact your MYOB Advanced Workforce Management partner. If MYOB support you directly, email

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