Dashboard screen - Employees with wrong location showing for "On-Shift"
If you notice that someone is "On Shift" at the wrong location in the Dashboard report. In the below example, Charlotte has been rostered for the "Restaurant" location, but is showing up in "Alison's Alleyway" instead once they clock in.
Example screenshots - Rostered for Restaurant, but On Shift at a different location
Before clocking in, Charlotte has the correct location in "Rostered" on the dashboard:
After clocking in, Charlotte has the 'wrong' location in "On Shift" on the dashboard:
After clocking out, Charlotte again has the 'correct' location in "Finished" on the dashboard: (it has updated back to the Rostered location)
Why does this happen?
The "On Shift" screen displays the location according to the actual clock entry.
The "Finished" screen displays the rostered location (employee was rostered that day) or the clocked location (employee not rostered that day)
Identifying the DeviceID / Location of a clock app.
You can identify the DeviceID of a clock by entering the Pincode "9870" to bring up the Settings menu, and checking the device location & DeviceID immediately below the Settings list.
Resolving the problem:
There are 3 options for fixing this kind of problem.
(WebApp only) - Reset the clock so it generates a new DeviceID
If the employee is clocking in using the WebApp version of the clocking app, then they can clear their local browser settings to reset the Device ID. This will let them register again to the correct location.
Update the Device in the Device Location list (Data Request via Support)
If you can identify the Device ID of the Clock (see above) you can request that DeviceID be updated. Currently this is not possible in the User Interface and will need a data request to be run by MYOB. Please let your support partner know the Device ID, and what location it should be.
Delete the Device in the Device Location list (Data Request via Support)
If you can identify the Device ID of the Clock (see above) you can request that DeviceID be deleted. Currently this is not possible in the User Interface and will need a data request to be run by MYOB. Please let your support partner know the Device ID to delete. (It can then be reregistered again manually/will produce errors if someone tries to use it)
If you cannot identify the Device ID of the Clock, you can request all DeviceID's for a location be deleted. Currently this is not possible in the User Interface and will need a data request to be run by MYOB. Please let your support partner know the Location to delete associated devices from. (It can then be reregistered again manually/will produce errors if someone tries to use it)
If you need more help with this topic, contact your MYOB Advanced Workforce Management partner. If MYOB support you directly, email businesssupport@myob.com.
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