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Payday filing

Payday Filing is an IRD initiative that requires all New Zealand employers to file employee/pay data every pay day. There are three ways employers can send data to IRD:

  • Direct manual data entry into IRD’s myIRD website

  • File upload

  • Gateway

With the File upload option, the software generates files that the user then manually uploads to the myIRD website. There are two files that employers must submit to IRD:

  • Employee Details (ED) file – This dataset advises IRD of your new employees, departing employees, those who are opting out of or voluntarily enrolling in KiwiSaver, and those who previously had no IRD number.

 Details entered on the KiwiSaver tab on the Pay Details screen (MPPP2310) are automatically used to complete the Employee Details file.

  • Employee Information (EI) file – This dataset advises IRD of the monetary amounts in an employee’s pay, i.e. gross earnings, deductions (specifically tax, student loans, child support) and how much is going into the employee’s KiwiSaver/Complying Fund. 

MYOB Acumatica — Payroll does not currently support the Gateway option; however when it does, this would push data straight from the Payroll module directly to the IRD via MYOB’s SBR/API service (similar to Australia’s Single Touch Payroll).

For more information, see:

Payday filing is compulsory from 1 April 2019. From 1 April 2021, payday filing uses a new format—MYOB Acumatica 2020.5.4 and 2020.6 update the format of the files to the v2021 IR specification, which must be used from 1 April 2021 onwards.

Setting up payday filing

Before you can upload EI return files, you need to be registered for filing using the IRD’s myIR website. The IRD’s website has information on registering for myIR.

You also need to make sure your employees' KiwiSaver settings up to date. Apart from that, no additional configuration is required in MYOB Acumatica — People.

Creating files for payday filing

The following screens related to payday filing in MYOB Acumatica — People:

  • Pay Details (MPPP2310) – use the KiwiSaver tab on this screen to capture KiwiSaver details for use in an ED file

  • Employment Info Return (MPPP5024) – use this screen to generate an EI file

  • Employment Info Batch Summary (MPPP5032)

  • Employee Details (MPPP5025) – use this screen to generate an ED file

  • Employee Details Batch Summary (MPPP5033)

Reporting new and departing employees

Employee Details ( ED) files must be submitted before EI files for pay runs that include the new or departing employees in the ED files. Failure to do this may cause problems when you attempt to upload the related EI file.

To create the ED file
  1. Go to the Employee Details (MPPP5025) screen. The Return start date and Return end date will default to the month start/end dates based on your MYOB Acumatica business date. The grid area will be automatically populated with:

    • New employees, i.e. those whose employment start date falls within the Return period date range.

    • Departing employees, i.e. those whose employment end date falls within the Return period date range.

    • Employees with a change in KiwiSaver status, e.g. employees who are opting-out of KiwiSaver and those who are voluntarily opting in, e.g. an employee who may have previously been ineligible for KiwiSaver or a new employee 65yrs or older.

    • Employees who were previously reported with no IRD number but now have one, and tax code changing from ND to another code.

  2. Review the list of employees. If any changes are needed go the screen used to record the data being reported to make corrections before continuing

  3. Click Save & Export. This will save the batch and export an ED file as a CSV file. If there are employees from multiple companies in the selected date range, one export file will be created for each company.

  4. Download the ED file(s) from the standard Files window on this screen.

  5. Go to the myIR website and upload the file(s).

Employee Details Batch Summary screen

The Employee Details Batch Summary screen (MPPP5033) shows an overview of all ED file batches that have been created from the Employee Details Return screen:

As the format of the file changed in v2021, batches created with versions of MYOB Acumatica prior to 2020.5.4/2020.6 will not appear correctly on this screen.

Select Create New Batch from the Actions dropdown to open the Employee Details Return screen with no batch selected, so that you can create a new batch for a selected date range.

Creating EI return files for payday filing

Employment Information (EI) return files can be created for each completed pay run on the Employment Information Return screen (MPPP5024).

The Employment Information Return screen calculates the information for the EI return for a selected pay run (only completed pay runs can be selected):

EI return files will be rejected if any employees are missing a date of birth. This field is not currently mandatory in MYOB Acumatica—before submitting EI returns, make sure that all employees have a date of birth specified on the Employees screen (EP203000).

To generate an EI return batch

Select a pay run, then select Create Batch from the Actions dropdown. If approvals are enabled for EI returns, the batch will need to be submitted for approval and approved before it can be exported. If the IR 345/348/EI Auto Approve option on the Payroll Preferences screen (MPPP1100) is ticked, the batch will be approved as soon as it is created, and can be exported straight away.

Select Export from the Actions dropdown to export the details of the EI return in the CSV format for submitting to the IRD.

If there are employees from multiple companies in the selected pay run, one export file will be created for each company.

Submitting to the IRD

The exported CSV files can be downloaded from the standard Files window on the Employment Information Return screen. To submit these files for payday filing, download them, then log in to the myIR website and upload them.

The IRD’s website has information, including a video tutorial, on how to payday file through myIR.

EI batch summary

The Employment Info Batch Summary screen (MPPP5032) shows an overview of all EI return file batches that have been created from the Employment Information Return screen (as well as any IR348 batches that were created before the introduction of payday filing):

As the format of the file changed in v2021, batches created with versions of MYOB Acumatica prior to 2020.5.4/2020.6 will not appear correctly on this screen.

Click on a batch’s ID to view its details on the Employment Information Return screen, or the IR348 EMS screen (MPPP5002) for existing IR348 batches.

Select Create New Batch from the Actions dropdown to open the Employment Information Return screen with no batch selected, so that you can create a new batch from a pay run.

The Manage Pays screen (MPPP4110) displays the ID code and status of the EI batch associated with each pay.


It is possible to make amendments to payday filing files after they have been submitted. The process for amendments differs on the kind of amendment that needs to be made.

The IRD is still finalising the amendment processes, and has not yet supplied final documentation. The following steps are therefore our current recommended practice, but may be subject to change.

Amending an employment information return

Amendments to a submitted EI return file must be done directly online in the myIR portal.

If you reverse a pay run whose EI return has not yet been uploaded, then no action is required.

If you reverse a pay run has already been reported, you will need to report an amendment to report that pay run with $0 values:

  1. Log in to myIR and find the submission to be amended.

  2. Select File Return for the period, then click the View or Amend Return link.

  3. Select Enter online.

  4. On the Employee information submission screen, select the employee’s IRD number. In the ‘Schedule details’ amend all relevant values to $0 and save. Repeat for all employees in the pay run, then submit.

Follow the normal process for the replacement pay run, as described in the “Reporting New and Departing Employees” section on page 6.

If you want to correct values in a pay run that has been reported, including if you have completed an Adjust Pay, follow this process and amend only the relevant employees/values. If the adjustment is to a reporting period prior to the current, you will need to use the Prior period gross and Prior period PAYE fields. You may want to use the MYOB Acumatica — Payroll pay reports to help identify the values—you can attach them as files to the relevant EI return batch for information.

These amendments will not be reflected in your MYOB Acumatica records.

Amending an employee details return

If you have only a small number of amendments to make, the easiest option is to amend the records directly in the myIR portal:

  1. Log in to myIR, select the My business tab, select Payroll returns, select the Employees tab, then click New/departing employees.

  2. For each employee to be amended:

    1. Click the IRD number of the employee.

    2. Amend the incorrect values, click OK.

If you have a lot of amendments to make, then it may be easier to delete the myIR records, create a new ED file and submit it.

These amendments will not be reflected in your MYOB Acumatica records – you will still need to amend the saved data in either the Employees screen (EP203000) or the Taxation tab of the Pay Details screen (MPPP2310).

Effects of payday filing on the IR345 EDF

While it is no longer necessary to submit an IR345 EDF for reporting purposes, it must still be paid monthly. The IR345 EDF screen (MPPP5030) remains after the introduction of payday filing. You will need to use this screen to calculate the amount that needs to be paid each month and to create the appropriate journals for the payment.

Each month, process the IRD345 EDF through the usual workflow:

  1. Create Batch

  2. Submit and Approve, if approvals have been enabled for the IR345

  3. Optionally, export the file. You don’t need to retain the CSV output or submit to the myIR website.

  4. Process Payment

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