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Setting up employees for KiwiSaver

Whether you're setting up KiwiSaver for a new employee or an existing one, each employee's scenario will have different requirements. This page describes these scenarios and how to select the right settings for each one. You also need to set up your employer contribution settings for each employee.

Employee KiwiSaver settings

New employees

  1. Go to the Pay Details screen (MPPP2310).

  2. In the Employee ID field, select the employee whose KiwiSaver you want to set up.

  3. On the KiwiSaver tab, add a new row by clicking the + button.

  4. The Date of Change will be the system business date (change this if necessary).

  5. Under KiwiSaver Eligibility, select “New Employee”

  6. The other settings you need to select depend on the employee's specific scenario.

    Settings for different scenario

    Situation description

    KiwiSaver tab setting

    KiwiSaver Eligibility

    KiwiSaver Status

    Opted out of KiwiSaver

    Date Opted out

    Late Opt-out Reason

    New employee auto-enrolled into KiwiSaver by the employer

    The employee just started employment with the company and has never been a member of KiwiSaver before starting with this employer.

    The employee is eligible to enrol in KiwiSaver and:

    • is between the ages of 18 and 65
    • the job is full time or permanent part-time
    • is on a contract of at least 28 days
    • is a casual agricultural worker for more than 3 months

    New Employee

    Auto enrol




    New Employee opting out of KiwiSaver

    The employee is eligible to be auto-enrolled into KiwiSaver by the employer, but does not want to be a KiwiSaver member, after 14+ days opts out, i.e.:

    • a new employee whose first pay is completed 14+ days after employment start date
    • the employee is choosing to opt-out of KiwiSaver

    New Employee

    Auto enrol


    Date of opting out


    New Employee who already belongs to KiwiSaver and wants to continue

    • The employee just started employment with the company
    • The employee is an existing KS contributor and is over 65

    New Employee

    Existing KS member




    New employee who is not eligible for KiwiSaver and is not an existing KiwiSaver member

    New Employee

    Not eligible




    New employee who is already enrolled in KiwiSaver and wants to opt out

    • The employee is over 65 and wants to opt out of KiwiSaver

    New Employee

    Not eligible




    New employee voluntary oping in to KiwiSaver

    • The employee just started employment with the company
    • The employee is over 65 and wants to voluntarily join KS

    This scenario applies to employees over 65+, casual/temporary, or anyone eligible for KiwiSaver but not automatically enrolled by the employer.

    New Employee

    Opting in




    New employee (non-casual) who is not a KiwiSaver contributor

    • The employee just started employment with the company
    • The employee is over 65 and not auto-enrolled
    • The employee did not voluntarily opt-in

    New Employee

    Not eligible




    New casual/temporary employee who is in their first 28 days of employment

    • The employee just started employment with the company
    • The employee is a casual/temporary employee
    • The employee did not voluntarily opt-in

    New Employee

    Casual / temp




    New Employee who is a KiwiSaver contributor, currently on Savings Suspension

    • The employee has existing IR notification of Savings suspension and has shown the new employer

    New Employee

    Existing KS member




  7. If the employee will be receiving income that is exempt from KiwiSaver, under Income Exempt from KiwiSaver, select the reason for the exemption. If more than one reason applies, select the reason that accounts for the greater part of the employee’s pay. Choose from:

    • Board-lodging

    • Taxable allowances accommodation

    • Voluntary Bonding Scheme

    • Retiring allowance

    • Overpayment of employer’s super cash contribution

    • Honoraria payments

    The other columns will not be editable for a new employee.
  8. On the form toolbar, click the Save icon (:ADV_Save:).

Existing employees

The Pay Details KiwiSaver tab must also be updated in the following scenarios for existing employees:

Opting in to KiwiSaver:

  1. Add a new row by clicking the + button.

  2. The Date of Change will be the system business date (change this if necessary).

  3. Under KiwiSaver Eligibility, select “Existing employee opt-in”.

Opting out of KiwiSaver:

  1. Add a new row by clicking the + button.

  2. The Date of Change will be the system business date; this must be the date the employee signed/provided the Opt out form.

  3. If the new employee has already been reported, then leave KiwiSaver Eligibility and KiwiSaver Status blank.

  4. Under Opted out of KiwiSaver, tick the checkbox

  5. If the Date of Change is past the standard (employment start date plus 56 days), a Late Opt-out reason must be selected:

    • Employer didn’t provide info pack by start date = 7 days

    • IRD didn’t send investment statement upon allocation to a default scheme

    • Employer didn’t provide investment statement for default scheme

    • Events outside of control prevented submission of opt-out application within 56 days

    • Didn’t meet criteria to join KS

    • Incorrectly enrolled under age 18.

    • Other

  6. If the Late Opt-out reason is “Other”, a description must be entered under Other description (up to 500 characters).

Casual employee converted to permanent employee after 28 days, not previously enrolled in KiwiSaver:

  1. Add a new row by clicking the + button.

  2. The Date of Change will be the system business date (change this if necessary).

  3. Under KiwiSaver Eligibility, select “Existing employee auto enrol”.

ND tax code with no IRD number, replaced by a different tax code and an IRD number:

  1. If an employee has been reported with no IRD number, and the IRD number is subsequently provided, the Pay Details Taxation tab will display a message advising that this change will be reported in Payday filing.

  2. The Employee Details file will include two entries:

    • Tax code ND with no IRD number, the date of the change will be reported as the IRD Update Date.

    • New tax code with IRD number, Start Date will report the employment start date.

Employee Transfer:

If the employee is being transferred from one branch to another where the branch IRD number is different, then this must be reported in payday filing as if the employee is departing and a new employee. This must be done manually in myIR.

Scenarios for existing employees


KiwiSaver Eligibility

KiwiSaver Status

Opted out of KiwiSaver

Date Opted out

Late Opt-out Reason

Existing employee auto-enrolled into KiwiSaver by the employer, but does not want to be a KiwiSaver member

  • The employee has been previously reported to IRD in the ED file as a new employee and auto-enrolled in KiwiSaver

  • Opting out between 2–8 weeks of starting work




Date of opting out


Existing employee auto-enrolled into KiwiSaver by the employer, but does not want to be a KiwiSaver member

  • The employee has been previously reported to IRD in the ED file as a new employee and auto-enrolled in KiwiSaver

  • Opting out after 8 weeks of starting work




Date of opting out

A reason must be selected

Existing permanent employee who wants to opt in

  • For example, and employee turns 18 and chooses to opt in

Existing employee opt in





Existing employee becomes eligible to be auto enrolled in KiwiSaver

  • For example, and employee turns 18

Existing employee opt in





Casual/temporary employee employed > 28 days opts in to KiwiSaver

Existing employee auto enrol





Casual/temporary employee employed > 28 days is eligible to be auto enrolled in KiwiSaver

Existing employee auto enrol





Scenarios that don’t require changes

Scenarios that don't require changes

The following employee scenarios do not require an update to the employee’s KiwiSaver tab:

  • Casual/temporary employee employed > 28 days decides to continue KiwiSaver contributions

    • The employee was an existing KiwiSaver member before working as casual for this employer

  • Casual employee that becomes a permanent

    • The employee was an existing KiwiSaver member before working as casual for this employer

  • An employee’s employment has ended

    • Departing employees are recorded in the ED file, but this has no effect on their KiwiSaver information

  • An existing employee who is a KiwiSaver contributor goes into Savings Suspension

    • Employees can use the myIR website to apply for a temporary break from paying into their KiwiSaver account, called a Savings Suspension

    • An approved savings suspension means the employer can stop employee deductions and employer contributions for the period of the suspension

    • There is no need to report anything, as IRD will already know about the Savings Suspension

  • An existing employee’s Savings Suspension ends

    • When the Savings Suspension period ends, IRD will notify the employer to restart the KS contributions

Employer super contributions

For more information, see these IRD resources:

Set employer super contributions

  1. Go to the Pay Details screen (MPPP2310).

  2. In the Employee ID field, select the employee you want to set up employer super contributions for.

  3. On the Taxation tab, choose the Employer Super Contribution settings:

    1. Taxation Method – Select either ESCT or PAYE. All employer contributions paid to a superannuation fund, including KiwiSaver schemes and complying funds, are liable for ESCT (employer superannuation contribution tax). The exception to this is if the employee and employer have agreed to treat some or all of the employer contribution as salary or wages under the PAYE rules.

    2. ESCT Rate – If you selected ESCT as the Taxation Method, you need to select a rate. The ESCT rate is based on the employee's salary or wages plus gross superannuation employer contributions received in the previous tax year, 1 April to 31 March. For more information, see page 19 of IRD Employer’s guide – IR335.

    3. Super Contribution is Grossed Up – Sometimes, an employer may be "locked in" to an employment agreement where they contribute a set percentage of their employee's salary. In this case, you might need to gross up the employer contribution so the employee receives their full entitlement.
      If you select this checkbox, the net employer contribution is the 3% employer contribution.
      If you don't select this checkbox, the net employer contribution is 3% employer contribution minus ESCT / PAYE on Employer Super.

  4. On the form toolbar, click the Save icon (:ADV_Save:).

Example employer super contributions



Super Contribution is Grossed Up is selected

Net employer super is set % of income

Super Contribution is Grossed Up is not selected

Net employer super has tax removed

Gross Income = 1000

Tax code = M / 30%

Employee contribution 3%

Employer contribution 3%

Calculations are detailed in pg6 of IRD Employer’s guide - IR335.

Taxation Method = ESCT of 10.5%

Standard scenario. PAYE calculated on

Employee Super = 30

Employer Super = 30

Net Employer Super = 30

PAYE = 181 (no impact)

ESCT = 3.51

Employee Super = 30

Employer Super = 30

Net Employer Super = 26.85 (30 - ESCT)

PAYE = 181 (no impact)

ESCT = 3.15

Taxation Method = PAYE

Exception: Employee and employer have agreed to treat the employer contribution as salary or wages under the PAYE rules.

Employee Super = 30

Employer Super = 30

Net Employer Super = 30

PAYE on Employer Super = 9

PAYE = 190 (181+9)

ESCT = 0

Employee Super = 30

Employer Super = 30

Net Employer Super = 21 (30 - PAYE)

PAYE on Employer Super = 9

PAYE = 190 (181 + 9)

ESCT = 0

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