The Data Maps screen (MPPP7020) lets you associate MYOB Acumatica records with imported timesheet records.
For example, an employee might have two IDs: one in MYOB Acumatica and one in the system where their timesheets come from. By mapping these two IDs to each other, MYOB Acumatica — Payroll knows that they both refer to the same employee.
The Source field refers to where timesheets will be imported from. MYOB Acumatica includes a default source, but you can set up new data sources. Companies using MYOB Acumatica time cards must set up a time card type source.
Set up a source
Go to the Data Maps screen (MPPP7020).
In the summary area, click the edit icon next to the Source field.
On the toolbar of the Data Map Source Types window, click the Add Row icon.
In the new row, complete the Source type and Description fields.
If you want this source to be the default data map used on other screens, select the Default type checkbox.
If you're setting up a source for a time card data map:
Select the Time Card type checkbox.
In the Subaccount Source dropdown, select where the subaccount will be taken from when importing time card data using this source.
If the source is for importing materials costs, select the Import Materials checkbox.
On the toolbar, click the Save current record and close the screen icon.
Set up a data map
Go to the Data Maps screen (MPPP7020).
In the Source field, select which timesheet source you want to set up a data map for.
Select which Entity Type you want to map records for:
Employee – All active payroll employees.
Pay item – All active pay items that have a calculation method of “Rated” or “Amount”.
Subaccount – All active subaccounts.
Project – All projects.
Inventory Item – All Non-Stock Items.
Mapping for projects and inventory items is used for the allocation of payroll expenses. Project tasks can also be imported, but the mapping for these is not set here—tasks are mapped directly by name, or the default project task is used.
The main grid displays details of the records in the Internal ID and Internal Description columns. Each record can only have a single external identifier mapped against it. There are two ways you can complete mapping:
Manually enter enter the External ID and External Description for each record.
On the toolbar, click the Export to Excel icon. Complete the mappings in the exported Microsoft Excel file. On the Data Maps toolbar, click the Load Records from File icon to upload the completed Excel file back into the grid.
You don’t need to map all records to be able to save the mapping—any unmapped records will be ignored when mapping imported timesheet data.
On the toolbar, click the Save icon.
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