Region | Problem ID | Description |
AU / NZ | CE00021955 CE00021863 | Users trying to navigate through the ESS Projected Leave Balance screen were getting an error: “Attempted to Divide by Zero”. This has been resolved. |
AU | CE00021823 CE00021828 CE00021799 CE00021826 CE00021926 | Sites upgraded to 2021.115.300.6396 were having issues with STP submissions. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00015654 CE00015589 | On the Days Taken screen, if you entered notes in an employee's current pay, the notes would disappear the next time you viewed screen. This has been resolved |
NZ | CE00021380 CE00021379 | Rates displayed on a payslip didn't match the rate displayed in the current pay. This has been resolved. |
AU | CE00014841 CE00014682 | On the Manage STP Submissions screen (MPPP5019), the Lump Sum A Type column would incorrectly display R for all batches. This field should only display R when an employee was terminated as a redundancy. Otherwise, it should be blank or null. This has been resolved as part of STP Phase 2. |
NZ | CE00020333 CE00020267 | When processing the Employment Info Return screen (MPPP5024), an error could occur: “An unhandled exception has occurred in the function 'GetAdjustedEmployeeName'“. The file would be generated, but wouldn't be accepted by IRD. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | - | On payslips, there was an issue with rates and amount values for unpaid leave. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00023168 CE00023050 | When creating a reconciliation statement, an error could occur: "Reconciliation date must be later than the date of the previous released Reconciliation Statement". This occurred because a previous reconciliation statement with the same date was not properly voided by the system. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00021743 CE00020262 CE00021558 CE00022850 | After upgrading, if a purchase order had a foreign currency, then the purchase receipt would be converted to the base currency. This meant that an AP bill couldn't be created with the currency that matched the purchase order. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00021722 CE00020555 | If a date filter was used on a pivot table, then drilling down would show incorrect data or wouldn't show any data. This occurred because the date filter would change to the show different dates after drilling down. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00021206 CE00021503 | When opening the SO Invoices (SO303000) and AR Invoices (AR301000) screens, an error could occur: "Table XXXX doesn't exist". This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00021221 CE00021438 | When releasing an AR credit memo, an error could occur: "CM Error: An error occurred while saving Currency Info for the table 'XXXX'". This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00021016 CE00020547 | On the Staff Calendar Board screen (FS300400), when selecting a date range in the date filter field, the dates shown in the dashboard would change, but the date filter field wouldn't change. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00021005 CE00020783 CE00022127 | On the Sales Orders screen (SO301000), when creating a prepayment, an error could occur: "AR Error: The order cannot be applied, the specified combination of the order type and order number cannot be found in the system." This occurred because a payment couldn't be applied to an order with a date in the future. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00021503 CE00019475 CE00019491 CE00019566 CE00019766 CE00020355 CE00020668 CE00020714 CE00020777 CE00020796 CE00020920 CE00020944 CE00021166 CE00021206 CE00021374 CE00021537 CE00021726 CE00021824 CE00021866 CE00021910 CE00021967 CE00022139 CE00022260 CE00022276 CE00022283 CE00022305 CE00022308 CE00022395 CE00023152 | On the Invoices and Memos screen (AR301000), when opening an AR invoice, an error could occur: "Table 'XXXX' doesn't exist". This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00020615 CE00019749 | When trying to synchronise a file to an SFTP server, an error could occur: "DER length is 'XXXX' and cannot be more than 4 bytes". This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00020507 CE00019992 CE00020418 CE00021019 CE00021020 CE00021196 | On the Create Payment tab of the Process Bank Transactions screen (CA30600), clicking the paperclip button wouldn't allow you to attach a file. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00020490 CE00019546 CE00020358 CE00020544 CE00020651 CE00021049 CE00021139 | For a user with a Sales and CRM licence, making any changes to a sales order on the Sales Order screen (SO3010PL) could cause errors. This has been resolved. |
NZ | CE00020178 CE00018643 | On the Cost Budget tab of the Email Projects screen (PM3010PL), the system would load indefinitely after clicking View Commitment Details. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00020147 CE00019490 CE00019985 CE00020044 CE00021242 CE00021857 CE00022469 | When trying to make any call to the EC-Payment-Applications general inquiry with oData, postman would return incomplete data and the browser wouldn't return any data. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00019725 CE00019424 CE00019514 CE00019595 CE00019871 CE00019916 CE00020061 CE00020402 CE00020594 | Purchase order receipts that used foreign currencies would show incorrect costs. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00019533 CE00019019 | On the Physical Inventory Count screen (IN305010), the amount in the Physical Quantity field would not be added correctly based on the UOM set up for a barcode. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00019453 CE00018709 CE00018751 | On the Bills and Adjustments screen (AP301000), when copying and pasting a transaction, the branch would not be copied. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00019405 CE00018786 | An Analytical Report Manager (ARM) report would not display subtotals within a column, displaying zeroes instead. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00019334 CE00018669 | CAD budgets would be reported incorrectly. The amount reported on the Budgets screen (GL302010) would differ from the amount on the General Ledger Details report. |
AU / NZ | CE00019220 CE00018470 | The Create Sold Equipment screen (FS500900) would create equipment without serial numbers. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00019180 CE00018256 | A budget export scenario would display zeroes in the the periods fields. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00019173 CE00018909 | On the Change Orders screen (PM308000), after creating a change order, the Actions and Reports menu button wouldn't work unless you specifically clicked the down arrow for one of the menus. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00018684 CE00018576 | After running project billing and generating an invoice, the invoice lines weren't aggregated by inventory ID. Instead, the invoice were separated by expense date. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00016305 CE00016121 CE00016122 CE00016159 CE00016266 CE00016300 CE00016304 CE00016526 CE00016998 CE00017136 CE00017831 CE00017865 CE00018071 CE00018480 CE00018523 CE00018745 CE00018924 CE00019014 CE00019086 CE00020112 CE00020884 | On any screen with shared filters, tabs for those shared filters would be missing. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00015906 CE00015328 | When trying to release a tax report on the Release Tax Report screen (TX502000), an error could occur: "An error occurred during processing of the field Branch value B10 GL Error: Inter-Branch Transactions feature is disabled." This occurred if you tried to release a tax report to a tax agency branch that's in the same location as your company branch. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00015379 CE00015035 CE00015930 | When using an API to retrieve data, an error could occur if a special character was included in an inventory ID. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00014104 CE00013522 | On the Company Financial Calendar screen (GL201100), calendars would be generated with an incorrected adjustment period compared to the calendar on the Master Financial Calendar screen (GL201000). |
AU / NZ | CE00013605 CE00012581 | When creating a sales order on the Opportunities screen, you could get an incorrect order total. This occurred if the sales order had a stock item with Configure and you selected Recalculate Prices. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | - | Purchase order details couldn't be opened from API. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00012846 CE00012682 | When importing a purchase order through an API, an error could occur. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | CE00009991 CE00009308 | When a cash sale invoice was processed with a description, that information was included in the cash sale, invoice and AR Journal batch created for that transaction. However, the description was included in either the Reconiliation Statement or Processing Bank Transactions screens. This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | - | If the Net/Gross Entry Mode feature was disabled on the Enable/Disable Features screen (CS100000), tax calculation mode values could be incorrect. This has been resolved. |
NZ | CE00022016 CE00021768 CE00021822 | This issue has been fixed as part of the NZ Holiday Acts (2003) review and update. |
AU / NZ | CE00018435 CE00018219 CE00020952 CE00021337 CE00021371 CE00022152 CE00022315 CE00022446 CE00022499 | When generating a User List report, an error could occur: "A field with the name Users.IsHidden cannot be found". This has been resolved. |
AU / NZ | - | When applying for a bank feed with the Application Type set to Paper, bank account numbers that include spaces or hyphens are now accepted when submitting the application. |
NZ | CE00022006 CE00021638 | If a pay item used a custom rate and had the Show Calculated Dollar Value option selected, these settings were ignored on an employee's payslip, which would show their ordinary rate instead of the custom rate. This has been resolved. |