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Add and pay a casual employee

The casual employee features in Ace Payroll are designed so you can keep a permanent record of these employees, without having them clutter your regular payroll.

Casual employees are employees who do not work on a regular basis, and are typically paid 8% of their gross income as part of their regular pay, rather than accruing paid time off.

When a casual employee becomes permanent you will need to change their annual leave entitlements in Ace Payroll to reflect their permanent status.

To add a new casual employee
  1. From the front screen click Employee, then Add a New Employee.

  2. Enter an identifier (for instance, the employee’s initials), then click Go.

  3. Enter a short name (for instance, the employee’s first and last name), then click Go.

  4. Click the Add More Details button, and set the Frequency field to Casual.

  5. Click Leave > Holiday Pay > Calculation Method.

  6. Click Percent Each Pay then click Go.
    Your changes are saved, and from now on 8% is added to the employee's pay each period and itemised as Casual Holiday Pay.

  7. Click Ok, and you’re done!
To change a regular employee to a casual employee
  1. From the front screen click Employee, then Modify Employee Details.

  2. Select an employee, then set the Frequency field to Casual.

  3.  Click Ok, and you’re done.
To pay a casual employee
  1. When processing your regular payroll, click the Casual button on the toolbar.

  2. Select the casual employee from the list and click Go.

    The casual employee is processed along with all other regular employees for the current pay period. After the payroll is filed, they revert back to casual.


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