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Student loan grid reports (New Zealand)

The History Analysis tool allows you to report on an employee’s transaction history over a specified period. You can view transactions for closed pays only.

In this example you will format History Analysis to display Michael Smith’s 708 and 709 student loan payments grouped by period-to-date, and then generate a grid report based on the current History Analysis layout.

To generate a grid report
  1. Right-click Michael Smith’s employee record and click View History Analysis.
  2. In the History Analysis window, select the following options and click Go!:
    FilterBy Period to date
  3. Drag-and-drop the PTD Code column header into the Grouping area to group records by period-to-date.

  4. Click the Filter button.

  5. Create a Code Custom filter for:
    Code equals 708 Or equals 709

    The History Analysis window now displays Michael’s 708 and 709 student loan deductions only, grouped by PTD Code.
    The bank information columns are empty so you should remove them before you generate the grid report.

  6. Drag-and-drop the following column headers out of the header row to remove these columns:

    • Bank Account

    • Bank Reference

    • Bank Code

    • Bank Particulars

    • SuperFund Code

    • SuperFund Description.

    Michael started paying the additional student loan deduction in Period W12.02.
  7. Click the Generate grid report button and save it as required.

    PayGlobal automatically optimises column widths when it generates the grid report.

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