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STP finalisation error: CMN.ATO.GEN.XML003 - A field contains invalid data

If your STP submission contains negative values against fields where they are not allowed, you will get the following error:

CMN.ATO.GEN.XML003 - A field contains invalid data

These are the fields that can accept negative figures (represented with a "-"). A negative figure in any other field incorrect, and will cause the error.

PAYEVNTEMP258Gross Amount
PAYEVNTEMP270Paid Leave Payment Amount
PAYEVNTEMP62Payee Allowance Amount
PAYEVNTEMP263Overtime Amount
PAYEVNTEMP262Bonuses and Commissions Amount
PAYEVNTEMP264Directors' Fees Amount
PAYEVNTEMP273Lump Sum Payment Amount (Type W Only)
PAYEVNTEMP267Salary Sacrifice Amount
Fixing the problem

If you have negative figures in any other fields, fix the issue by adjusting your pays:

  1. Identify which YTD accumulators are affected.
  2. Reverse and re-enter pays correctly, so that the affected fields are not negative.
  3. Resubmit your STP finalisation once the incorrect negative figures have been fixed.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.