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Re-finalising single touch payroll

This page explains how to re-finalise a tax year using the single touch payroll manager tool.

To re-finalise a tax year
  1. Open the Single Touch Payroll Manager Tool.
  2. Click the Finalisations tab.
  3. Click Finalise Payer(s) to finalise all employees. Or Finalise Payee(s) to finalise a single employee.
  4. In the New Finalisation window, click the YTD Code dropdown and select the period you want to re-finalise.
  5. From the list of payers, select the company you want to re-finalise.
  6. Click Submit.

    If you get a warning that a finalisation already exists for the payer, you can dismiss it.

  7. In the STP Submission Declaration window:

    1. In the Declared By field, enter the authoriser's name.

    2. Select the checkbox.

    3. Click OK.

If you need to Finalize a single employee, please refer to the STP Manual.  Click here

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