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PayGlobal product FAQs

This page contains frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by PayGlobal Support from customer enquiries.


Some employee's appear to have incorrect annual leave payout rates. How does PayGlobal calculate these rates?

The annual leave payout rules are defined in the employee's annual leave table. On the employee's Leave tab, drill down (Ctrl+Enter) into their annual leave table to see the payout rules. Now, drill down into the Rate Rules record to see the rates used, and then check employee's Rates tab to see the actual value of those rates for this employee.

How can we tell whether an employee's annual leave balances are in units of hours or days?

 On the employee's Leave tab, drill down (Ctrl+Enter) into their annual leave table and check whether the Setup tab | Entitlement unit = "Hours" or "Days".

A full-time employee who left the company has returned as a casual employee. Should we create a new employee record for them or remove termination details from their previous employee record?

You can use either method, but if you re-use the employee's previous employee record, then you must:

  • Remove termination details
  • Change the employee to a casual annual leave table
  • Remove any redundant leave tables from the employee's record to ensure that they do not accrue leave they are not entitled to as a casual employee.
  • Reset the employee's values for leave taken, accrued, qualifying dollars and hours to zero.
  • Remove the employee's profiled hours, UDA breakdowns and former rates.
  • Set the employee's Auto-pay field to "No" to ensure that they are not paid anything they are not entitled to.
  • Update any other details as required, such as the employee's contract, department and timebands.
I changed an employee’s start date, but their anniversary date has not changed.

When you close the next pay, PayGlobal will update the employee's Anniversary date based on their new Start date.

Errors and warnings

When I log on to PayGlobal, a message appears about log files and it gives me the option to view, delete or ignore them. What should I do?

For various reasons, access violation errors sometimes occur (see following question for details). When such errors occur, PayGlobal displays the log file to users who are set up with supervisor rights.
Check the error log:

  • If the error is not critical, then delete the log file.
  • If a database error has occurred or if you are not sure whether the error is critical or not, then email the log file to PayGlobal Support ( for assistance, stating what the user specified in the log file was doing when the error occurred.
PayGlobal has displayed one of the following types of error messages: “Access violation at address 000000 Read of address 00000000” or “External exception C0000006”

This type of error can be caused by any one of several external factors, such as loss of network communication, installation of unstable software, anti-virus software, changes in the server, Customer or network environment, or Trojan virus infection. In most cases, you can resolve such errors by restarting your personal computer.

However, if the error continues to occur when you perform a certain task in PayGlobal, then send the audit log file to PayGlobal Support ( with details of the task you are trying to perform so the error can be investigated.

When we try to access the PayGlobal Help file, the following error message appears: "This page cannot be displayed".

PayGlobal Help is a CHM file, and Microsoft has identified a problem with attempting to view CHM files that are stored on a network drive. Your IT staff can resolve this problem by using the information on the following webpage:

An employee has a loan deduction with capital balance that has been paid in full. How can we stop a reducing loan from creating transactions for this deduction? When we try to delete the loan deduction, the following error message appears: “Unable to delete employee loan - Delete not performed: Dependencies Found”.

To terminate a reducing balance loan deduction, go to the employee's HR | Misc | Loan tab. On the Employee Loans form:

  • Enter 0.00 in the Loan Details tab | Principal field; or
  • Enter the Loan Details tab | Principal value into the Repayment Details | Repayment amount field.

Transaction View should no longer display transactions for this loan, as long as you have not set it up as a Permanent transaction.

You cannot delete loans from the database because if you delete a loan deduction and its dependencies, then you remove those transactions from the historical record, which compromises loan payment records.

JavaScript errors detected

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If this problem persists, please contact our support.