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Diagnosing and resolving GL balancing issues

This information is for payroll officers and finance departments. To understand this information, you need to be familiar with your company cost centres, GL codes and how to run reports in MYOB PayGlobal.

This page explains how to run the PGPRHIST004 – File Analysis Detailed report, which shows how the GL codes and Cost Centre codes are mapped in MYOB PayGlobal.

With the correct sorting, you can use the PGPRHIST004 report to find the transactions that make up the numbers for each GL code and Cost Centre. After you've figured out how a particular GL code has been calculated and you're satisfied that it is incorrect, then you can take steps to correct it. Your finance department will be familiar with the GL code matching or coding.

To run the File Analysis Detailed Report
  1. You can run the PGPRHIST004 – File Analysis Detailed report from the Transaction History Reports group. This report displays the different layers that make up a particular GL code (you can find more information further down this page).
  2. Select the relevant pay sequence or sequences for the period you are running the GL report for.
  3. Then go to the sorting tab and use the following sorting settings.
  4. If the GL code consists of many pay sequences, it would be ideal to run this report with a sorting option by pay sequence as well in order to identify what particular pay sequence is causing the issue.

    However, the sorting options are limited to 4 fields – so you will need to combine two separate reports to accommodate for this extra sorting option.

    There are many sorting combinations that you can use depending on the individual situation, but here are some that we can suggest as a good starting point:

    Sample report 1:

    Sample report 2:

    Sample report 3:

  5. If you already have previous knowledge as to what could be causing the problem (e.g. incorrect transaction type used) then you can activate a query in this report to filter the information further to make it easier to read:

Balancing and troubleshooting

A GL code is made up of the following layers:

  • GL Code
  • Cost Centre
  • Transaction
  • Employee

That is to say, a GL code is made up of Cost centre codes. A Cost Centre is derived from Transaction Codes. Transaction Codes are placed against employee records.

Once these reports have been run, you will then have to carefully inspect these reports and review the way each GL code has been calculated in each of the layers mentioned above. They are specific to your organisation, and as this is the case, MYOB PayGlobal Support cannot confirm the correct setup for you. Your Finance or Accounts team will be familiar with these.

The intention here is to check that the way that MYOB PayGlobal has calculated the GL code is in line with expectations and not focus on searching specifically for errors. You may not necessarily have to do any corrective actions and that the GL codes are generating as they were intended to by PayGlobal.

If you discover an error in the reports, then you will need to set about correcting it. There are many ways to correct a GL code error and therefore we will not cover this in the document. However, the most common problems follow:

  • Proportional Costing - it ignores the cost centre hierarchy and splits to the cost centres you specify when setting proportional costing for the employee.
  • Employee/Allowance/Deduction/Cost Centre has the wrong GL code specified or a typing error in the GL Code specified. Re-run your GL report to see the results. Troubleshooting GL reporting issues can be a very time consuming and complex task.

The above is a summary of how MYOB PayGlobal Support performs troubleshooting for such problems. If you are still unable to determine the cause by the end of this guide, then we strongly recommend engaging an MYOB PayGlobal consultant to perform the troubleshooting for you.

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