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Corporate structure

PayGlobal provides 6 structural elements to manage an organization’s corporate structure. Two (2) of these are standard, in as much as they are mandatory in setting up a new database, while the other four (4) are somewhat “user-definable”, meaning that they can be used as and if required.

The 2 standard elements are Location and Department – clearly geographical and operational.
The user-definable elements are referred to as “Dim” tables; “Dim” meaning Dimension. A “Dim” table may be applied to either geographical or operational context and becomes active when it is renamed to suit the needs of the organization. This is done in Company Settings.

New Zealand:



Within PayGlobal the corporate structure is defined using the Work Area entity. Work Areas are multi- dimensional, in as much as they are comprised of qualities that are both Operational and Geographical in nature. This means that to define a Work Area it is important to consider the functional delivery areas of a business, such as the departments / locations that it operates under.

Likewise, the Geographical dimension of Work Areas relates to the physical location of specific operational activities; e.g. Sydney Office. Similarly, these geographical elements may also be broken down further should an organization decide it necessary.

New Zealand:


Cost centres

Cost Centres group financial costs from employee payments into categories. These categories or Cost Centre’s are customised per the organisational requirements.

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