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Common ESS Errors



How do I re-export finalised timesheets?

Logon to ESS and change to the Timesheet Admin role, click on Finalized then click the "Re-export finalized Timesheets" button. 

Error creating datasource: employeeLeavecalendar- calendar data


  • Periods/dates
  • Holiday Group (check for duplicates)
  • Leave tables (dates, etc)
  • Leave Credit tab (check for duplicates)
  • Leave Request settings (check for duplicates)

Login details incorrect


  • end date on Appointment
  • appointment is Default and Active
  • no planned termination date
  • no termination date
  • using the correct password

You are unable to access documents due to an invalid data setup. Please contact Payroll.

There is no ESS Security Profile attached to the Employee’s WAP.

The wrong days are available to apply for leave in the ESS calendar

If the Leave Request settings are set to "Roster", then the roster might be setup incorrectly or starting from the wrong date/day. There also might not be any shifts attached to the roster or no start and end times on the shifts attached to the roster.
If the Leave Request settings are setup as "Profiled", then check the employee has Profiled hours.

Error calculating projected annual leave balance for employee: 'xxxxx'.
System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
The employee record has NULL (empty) values in fields used by ESS to calculate balance or projected balance.
Populate missing fields on employee record with “0.00”.
Examples are:
- Profiled Hours under the Payroll > Payments tab e.g. Saturday and Sunday.
- All fields in Leave area > Annual Leave tab.
Error creating datasource:EmployeeLeaveTeamCalendar-CalendarData ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Error is can be caused by missing or incorrect settings on employee record for:
1. Leave request setting are missing or incorrect settings (e.g. expiry date added).
2. Holiday Group is missing from employee record > Payroll > Contract tab
3. Roster/Tour/Shift are missing or have changed.
4. Leave reasons are missing.
5. Problem can also be caused by an invalid break code in one of the timeband tables - scripts to find them:
SELECT EmployeeCode,BreakCode FROM CurrentActualTimeBand WHERE BreakCode NOT IN (SELECT BreakCode FROM [Break])
SELECT EmployeeCode,BreakCode FROM CurrentRosterTimeBand WHERE BreakCode NOT IN (SELECT BreakCode FROM [Break])
SELECT EmployeeCode,BreakCode FROM HistoricalActualTimeBand WHERE BreakCode NOT IN (SELECT BreakCode FROM [Break])
SELECT EmployeeCode,BreakCode FROM HistoricalRosterTimeBand WHERE BreakCode NOT IN (SELECT BreakCode FROM [Break])
SELECT EmployeeCode,BreakCode FROM ScenarioRosterTimeBand WHERE BreakCode NOT IN (SELECT BreakCode FROM [Break])
SELECT *,BreakCode FROM ShiftTimeBand WHERE BreakCode NOT IN (SELECT BreakCode FROM [Break])
TEST database experiences an error when performing ESS functions that are working fine in LIVE database.
If this error is occurring on the Test database, but no in Live? The solution is to refresh Test.
Support will not be able to assist. If Test cannot be refreshed and a solution must be found, a consultant can be engaged to assist further.
An error occurred adding leave requests to open periods where employeeCode='xxxxx'.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Holiday Group missing from Employee record > Payroll > Contract tab.
An error occurred getting the timebands for date prior to leave where employeeCode='xxxxx and date='DD/MM/YYYY 12:00:00 am'
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Holiday Group missing from Employee record > Payroll > Contract tab.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. User is unable to delete Timesheet with status 'Not submitted' using Process Flow Delete.
Check for submitted leave requests in period
Delete them from PG and using Process Flow Delete.
Re-submit leave. Process Flow Delete Timesheet before regenerating.
Server was unable to process request. ---> Error occurred when accessing the Timekeeping Service. Please check the application log file for full error details.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Employee is missing roster or roster does not contain Shifts. Or Shifts are missing hours.
Error creating datasource:ActiveItems-GridData ---> System.NullReference
Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at PayGlobal.Hrss.CoreBusiness.ActiveItems.Objects.ActiveItemsModel.FormatStatus(String status)
Find workflow items with missing Status field and delete them using ProcessFlowDelete.
The following SQL script can be used to find errored workflows:
SELECT LodgedByEmployeeCode, DateCreated, Description FROM [Workflow].[WFE_ProcessFlowInstance] WHERE Status IS NULL
Exception message: Error creating datasource:CourseApprovalList-Invalid-GridData
Inner exception message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Download PayGlobal application version currently in use and copy bridge components to ESS\Bin folder. Run CommandUpdater.exe (answering 'Y' to all questions) and MVCCommandProcessor (Upgrade).
PayGlobal application can be downloaded from

Error submitted calculation flow for guid: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Employee has expired or invalid WAP Appointment.
Error creating datasource:SiteTemplate-MenuData ---> PayGlobal.Hrss.Presentation.UI.TransferObjects.TransferObjectException: Unable to evaluate menu item expression. Expression was {busobj:CoreSiteView.GetMenuItems('{var:datasourceName=Menu.MenuItems}')} ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at PayGlobal.Interface.Hrss.Query.QueryFacade.GetWhereSqlFragmentFromQuery(String queryCode)
ESS Admin Role is using a employee Query that has been deleted. Query needs to be re-created.
There is a gap between a pay period with the end date of 'DD/MM/YYYY 12:00:00 a.m.' and the next pay period with the start date of 'DD/MM/YYYY 12:00:00 a.m.' for the employee xxxxx.
Check period for a gap in the calendar when sorted by Period Sequence ID. If there is a gap, entries in the calendar after the gap will need to be removed and calendar re-generated.
Exception: The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is an unknown word starting at index 18.
Delete the LastControllerUpdate record in the HRSSSettings table.
DELETE FROM HRSSSettings WHERE [Key] = 'LastControllerUpdate';
Attempted to divide by zero.  at System.Decimal.FCallDivide(Decimal& d1, Decimal& d2)

Custom workflow referencing Profiled Hours for a given day, that were set to '0.00' causing workflow calculation to fail.

System.Exception: Error refreshing form flow ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Rates are missing from Award.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.