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Bulk Update leave request settings

You can bulk update employee leave request and leave approval settings once new leave request settings have been created.  


It is recommend to run this command in test first. 

To perform a bulk update of leave requests

The update command is accessible from the PayGlobal Tree:

  1.  Click Payroll
  2. Click Leave Setup
  3. Click Create Leave Request settings.  
  4. Click the Details tab
  5. Enter in the details for the leave request and approval settings you want to apply
  6. Click Run Update


You can select the leave request and approval settings you wish to apply and what the start date for the settings will be. 


This can be assigned to a group of employees using an employee query from the employee grid.  


There is an option to preview and view the audit log the changes before running the command.  


Help topic 9862 has more detailed information on this command. 




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