Adjusting a negative super OTE amount
This page explains how to adjust super OTE errors in your STP submission when the super OTE amount is negative.
The errors occur when you are adjusting payments for the previous financial year that don't have matching super OTE amounts for the current year.
For example, reversing sick leave and paying as Workcover. Sick Leave is included in Super OTE but Workcover is not.
There are two steps to adjusting the super OTE.
Setup a Super OTE Adjustment allowance
Process the adjustment in a manual pay.
To set up a super OTE adjustment allowance
You need to setup a non-paying allowance to reverse the negative amount in the YTD for Super OTE.
The allowance can be set up using the following screenshots as reference:
The following is required:
Paying = NO
Penalty = NO
Taxable = NO
Tax Override = NO

On the Details (iii) tab, you must have the following settings.
User in Super OTE = YES
Use in Super salary or wages = NO

To process the adjustment in a manual pay
Transaction process example below:
Insert the OTE Adjust allowance with the following details:
Quantity of 1.00
Rate amount being amount being adjusted
Recalculate set to YES.

The Gross, tax and net will be zero as you are only adjusting Super OTE.