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IN Transaction




INTransactionGETQuery a list of INTransactions



Create a new IN Transaction

INTransaction/<reference>GETQuery a specific IN Transaction by its reference

Supported modifiers

Query String


modifiedSinceReturn IN Transactions modified since a particular date and timemodifiedSince=2013-02-28T16:45:00
tranTypeReturn a list of IN Transactions for a particular Transaction TypetranType=Transfer

Security Linked Menu

Menu Item
IN Transaction EntryData Entry / Inventory

Sample XML Response

        <StandardText>Manual average cost adjustment</StandardText>
        <Description>Manual average cost adjustment</Description>
        <TransactionType>Cost Adj</TransactionType>
        <LineItems collection='true' count='2'>
                <TaxCode>GST 10%</TaxCode>
                <StandardText>Average cost adjustment to 200 qty on hand</StandardText>
                <TransactionType>Cost Adj</TransactionType>
                <TaxCode>GST 10%</TaxCode>
                <StandardText>Average cost adjustment to 200 qty on hand</StandardText>
                <TransactionType>Cost Adj</TransactionType>

When posting data, you have the option to exclude the Amount element on a line item, Greentree will use the other fields to calculate the price, taxes etc for each line item.  This allows for a typical integration where a 3rd party simply wants to tell Greentree to transfer a number of widgets, or allocate them to a Job without care for any of the financial values.  

At its simplest, the data required to create an IN Transaction is as below :

Sample POST data

        <TransactionType>Cost Adj</TransactionType>
        <LineItems collection='true' count='2'>
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