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IN Stock Item







Query a list of StockItems

StockItemPOSTCreate a new StockItem2021.3



Query a single StockItem

StockItem/<code>POSTUpdate an existing StockItem 

Supported modifiers

Query String


modifiedSinceReturn Stock Items modified since a nominated date and time (Includes masterfile,  quantity and selling price updates)modifiedSince=2013-02-28T16:45:00 
treeName and treeBranchReturn a list of Stock Items assigned to a nominated branch of a nominated treetreeName=Colour-AUS&treeBranch=Blue 
primaryImageReturn the first attachment of type "Image" that is marked as Primaryaction=primaryImage 
sellingPriceQuery the price of a stock item, taking advantage of the full Greentree advanced pricing configurationaction=sellingPrice *refer table below for details on querying a selling price 
includeBarcodesInclude the set of barcodes with each itemincludeBarcodes=true 
includeSerialLotsInclude the set of Serial Lots with each itemincludeSerialLots=true 
isActiveOnly include active stock itemsisActive=true 
analysisCodeQuery a list of Stock Items for a particular Analysis CodeanalysisCode=INHOUSE 
analysisTreeName and analysisTreeBranchQuery a list of Stock Items for a particular Analysis Code Tree and BranchanalysisTreeName=Profile&analysisTreeBranch=Low 
oidQuery a Stock Item by its Oidoid=2576.76 
listOnlyReturn just the code and description for each Stock ItemlistOnly=true 
stockingLocationQuery a list of Stock Items for a particular LocationstockingLocation=01.03 
includeItemTextsInclude the Item Text collection with each itemincludeItemTexts=true 
includeAliasesInclude the Item Alias collection with each itemincludeAliases=true 
includeCompanionItemsInclude the Companion Item collection with each itemincludeCompanionItems=true 
includeSubstituteItemsInclude the Substitute Item collection with each itemincludeSubstituteItems=true 
includeComponentDefinitionsInclude the Kitset Component collection with each itemincludeComponentDefinitions=true 
stockItemModifiedSinceReturn Stock Items where the masterfile Stockitem was modified since a nominated date and time (ignores the quantity updates)stockItemModifiedSince=2013-02-28T16:45:002019.5
qtyModifiedSinceReturn Stock Items where the quantities of the stockitem were modified since a nominated date and time (ignores the masterfile updates)qtyModifiedSince=2013-02-28T16:45:002019.5
excludeUnitConversionsDo not Include the Unit Conversions with each itemexcludeUnitConversions=true2020.1
excludeSupplierDetailsDo not include the Supplier Details with each itemexcludeSupplierDetails=true2020.1
excludeStockLocationsDo not include the Stock Location with each itemexcludeStockLocations=true2020.1
excludePriceBooksDo not include the Price Books with each itemexcludePriceBooks=true2020.1
sellingPriceModifiedSinceReturn Stock Items where the Selling Price(s) were modified since a nominated date and time (ignores all other updates)sellingPriceModifiedSince=true2021.3

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Inventory Item MaintenanceData Entry / Inventory

Sample XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Description>AOpen 17&quot; LCD Monitor</Description>
    <StockType>Not Serial/Lot Item</StockType>
    <TaxCode>GST 10%</TaxCode>
 	<StockLocations collection='true' count='3'>
    <SellingPrices collection='true' count='3'>
            <TaxCode>GST 10%</TaxCode>
            <TaxCode>GST 10%</TaxCode>
            <TaxCode>GST 10%</TaxCode>
    <UnitConversions collection='true' count='1'>
	<SerialLots collection='true' count='4'>
    <CompanionItems collection='true' count='1'>
    <SubstituteItems collection='true' count='8'>
    <Aliases collection='true' count='3'>
	<ComponentDefinitions collection='true' count='5'>
    <UserDefinedFields collection='true' count='5'>
            <Name>01 - Image URL</Name>
            <Name>02 - Link URL</Name>
            <Value>Bob Hill</Value>
            <Name>Start Date</Name>
    <Trees collection='true' count='5'>
            <Name>Items by Manufacturer</Name>
            <Name>Product Catalogue</Name>
            <Value>TFT Screens</Value>
            <Path>TFT Screens</Path>
            <Name>Webstore Catalogue</Name>
            <Value>TFT Screens</Value>
            <Path>Catalogue\TFT Screens</Path>
    <Attachments collection='true' count='2'>

Modifiers for using the sellingPrice action

Query String


customerCustomer to query a selling price forcustomer=1000 
priceLevelPrice Level to use for the price calculation. If not included will default to customer default price level, or the module default.  To force an empty price level, you can pass a special priceLevel of "none"priceLevel=RETAIL"none" available 2019.3
currencyCurrency code. If not included will default to customer currencycurrency=AUD 
dateDate to use for price calculation, used for date based pricing. If not included will default to todays date (server based)date=2013-11-20 
quantityHow many of the stock item, used for quantity break calculations. If not included will default to 1quantity=11 
locationLocation for price calculationlocation=02 
taxInclusiveIndicate whether price returned should be tax inclusive or exclusive. If not included will default to IN Control Pricing tax typetaxInclusive=false 
unitOfMeasureWhich unit of measure to calculate a price for. If not included will default to StockItem selling unit of measureunitOfMeasure=EA 
addressNoDelivery address number for the customer.addressNo=1 
taxRateTax rate to be used in the calculation. If not included will be calculated from the tax codetaxRate=10.00 
taxCodeTax code to be used. Will be used totaxCode=GST 
currencyRateExchange rate to be used. If not included will default to 1.00currencyRate=0.88 
transactionTypeIN Transaction Type to be used.transactionType=+ADJ 
isCurrencyMultiplyIndicate if the currencyRate should be multiplied or divided against the home currencyisCurrencyMultiply=true 
tracePriceStepsInclude a dump of the steps used to calculate the pricing to aid in debugging and determining how the price was calculatedtracePriceSteps=true2019.3

Sample XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <TaxCode>GST 10%</TaxCode>
        <PriceStep1>*** Item 00AOPEN17MONITOR: Start to find the standard price and discount ***</PriceStep1>
        <PriceStep2>Found price from standard price line 2: unit price 795.0000, 0.00% discount;</PriceStep2>
        <PriceStep3>*** Start to find the advanced price and discount ***</PriceStep3>
        <PriceStep4>Found advanced price in Customer/Item specific pricing line 1: unit price 619.8060 and discount 2.50%</PriceStep4>
        <PriceStep5>Compare the search results with the previous advanced pricing method...</PriceStep5>
        <PriceStep6>Compare advanced search results up to Customer Code/Stock Item Code method: unit price 619.8060 comes with discount 2.50%; </PriceStep6>
        <PriceStep7>*** Decision making: Advanced price found, and using best price across the standard and advanced prices ***</PriceStep7>
        <PriceStep8>Use price and discount from single advanced pricing: unit price 619.8060, 2.50% discount;</PriceStep8>
        <PriceStep9>Round the price to the right decimal places:: unit price 619.8060, 2.50% discount;</PriceStep9>
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