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CRM Contact






Query a list of CRM Contacts

/CRMContactPOSTCreate a new CRM Contact



Query a single CRM Contact

/CRMContact/<code>POSTUpdate an existing CRM Contact


Supported modifiers

Query String


emailFilterQuery CRM Contacts with an email 
organisationQuery CRM Contacts for a particular CRM Organisactionorganisation=1045 
modifiedSinceReturn CRM Contacts modified since a nominated date and timemodifiedSince=2013-02-28T16:45:00 
treeName and treeBranchReturn a list of CRM Contacts assigned to a nominated branch of a nominated treetreeName=Colour-AUS&treeBranch=Blue 
statusReturn a list of CRM Contacts with a nominated statusstatus=Active 
nameFilterReturn a list of CRM Contacts with the requested namenameFilter=Mary Smith2020.1
includeCrossReferencesInclude the Cross References Organisations and ContactsincludeCrossReferences=true2021.2
phoneFilterReturn a list of CRM Contacts with the requested Phone number (phone, phoneAH and mobile)phoneFilter=034822232021.3

Security Linked Menu

Menu Item
ContactsCRM / Relationships

Sample XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <FormalName>Dr Stanley</FormalName>
    <AssignedTeam>Sales Team</AssignedTeam>
    <Name>Lisa Stanley</Name>
    <SalutationString>Dr Stanley</SalutationString>
    <Title>Jr Vice President</Title>
        <Contact>Lisa Stanley</Contact>
        <Address1>50 Glengarry Ave</Address1>
        <PhoneBH>(03) 8425 1213</PhoneBH>
        <Fax>(03) 8425 1255</Fax>
        <Mobile>0413 225 336</Mobile>
        <Contact>Lisa Stanley</Contact>
        <Address1>51 Glengarry Ave</Address1>
        <PhoneBH>(03) 8425 1213</PhoneBH>
        <Fax>(03) 8425 1255</Fax>
        <Mobile>0413 225 336</Mobile>
        <Contact>Lisa Stanley</Contact>
        <Address1>51 Glengarry Ave</Address1>
        <PhoneBH>(03) 8425 1213</PhoneBH>
        <Fax>(03) 8425 1255</Fax>
        <Mobile>0413 225 336</Mobile>
        <Contact>Lisa Stanley</Contact>
        <Address1>51 Glengarry Ave</Address1>
        <PhoneBH>(03) 8425 1213</PhoneBH>
        <Fax>(03) 8425 1255</Fax>
        <Mobile>0413 225 336</Mobile>
        <Contact>Lisa Stanley</Contact>
        <Address1>51 Glengarry Ave</Address1>
        <PhoneBH>(03) 8425 1213</PhoneBH>
        <Fax>(03) 8425 1255</Fax>
        <Mobile>0413 225 336</Mobile>
    <UserDefinedFields collection='true' count='0'/>
    <Trees collection='true' count='1'>
            <Name>Member of Board-AUS</Name>
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