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Timeclock polling errors and suggested solutions

This is a list of error codes from polling the time clock and suggested solutions. First is the error code, then the fault description, then a list of recommended solutions.

Error Codes, Fault Description and Recommended Solutions

0: No error has occurred.

1: No data has been received from the clock. The clock is not responding.

  • Check clock has power and is operating correctly.
  • Check RS485 converter has power (if used).
  • Check correct Baud Rate on Clock and PC.
  • Check correct station numbers set.
  • Check connection wiring.

2: The PC software has detected a data error.

  • Check correct Baud Rates on Clock and PC.
  • Check communication line for excessive length, especially on RS232.
  • Check communication line is not in close proximity to electrical noise, e.g. arc welders, power cables, etc.
  • If using RS232, then you may have to convert to using RS485 if the problem persists.
  • If using RS485, then check 120 ohm terminating resistor.
  • If using RS485, then use shielded twisted-pair cable with shield connected to ground at converter end only.

3: The wrong station replied.

  • Turn power off to Clock for at least 30 seconds and retry.

4: The clock received a data error.

  • Same as error 2.

5: The clock polled was busy. Retry later.

  • Clock is in use and cannot be polled. Poll again at a later time.

6: The clock has processed the wrong command. The clock must verify the command sent to it in it's reply.

  • Same as error 3.

7: Data has been received but no end of packet was received.

  • Check that there are no computer TSRs/Windows applications/Network/Interrupt conflicts with the polling software. The polling software must have exclusive use of the com port interrupt selected.
  • Check communication line is not in close proximity to electrical noise, e.g. arc welders, power cables, etc.
  • Check RS485 converter is not faulty (if used).

8: A disk write error was detected when storing data.

  • Check computer has enough disk space.
  • Check computer disk is not faulty.

9: Disk file could not be opened.

  • Same as error 8.

10: PC serial port transmitter error. The clock may not be connected.

  • Check that clock/RS485 converter is connected to the correct port.
  • Check that RS485 converter has power.
  • Check wiring to PC port. Pins 6 and 8 on DB9/pins 5 and 6 on DB25 connectors must be connected from the clock/RS485 converter, otherwise this error will occur. See wiring diagrams.
  • Check PC serial port is not faulty.

11: Data received from the clock may contain errors. A memory checksum error was detected by the clock.

  • Clock data has been corrupted but can possibly be used if edited correctly. There may only be a small portion of data corrupted and the majority of the data may be error free. Use data with caution.

12: The command file is not properly formatted.

  • Check that the command file conforms to the correct format (refer command file documentation).
  • Line number containing error will also be displayed with this error.

13: The modem has made connection with the remote modem.

  • Not used.

14: There is no reply from the modem when initialising.

  • Check that the modem is plugged into PC port.
  • Check modem is switched on.
  • Check modem is on correct port.
  • Check modem initialisation string.
  • Check modem RS232 connections.

15: Modem has detected an incoming call.

  • Not used.

16: No carrier has been detected from the remote modem.

  • Check that dial out number is correct in command file/clock setup.
  • Check local and remote modems are compatible.
  • Check remote modem is on.
  • Check that moth local and remote modems initialised correctly and that they are in the same operating mode.

17: An error has occurred when talking to the local modem.

  • Check that the correct commands have been sent to the modem.
  • Check that the initialisation string is formatted correctly for the modem in use.

18: The modem has not detected a dial tone when it tried to dial out.

  • Check phone line connection.

19: The number dialed was busy.

  • Number dialed was engaged. Try again later.

20: The local modem did not receive an answer from the remote modem.

  • Check that both modems are compatible with one another and that they are both setup with the same mode of operation and baud rate.
  • Possibly also ensure that the "AA" light has come on at the remote modem - if not, then turn modem off and back on then clock off and back on.

21: An error in the local modem initialisation file was detected.

  • Check modem initialisation string. See modem string format notes (elsewhere).
  • Line number with error will be displayed with this error.

22: A file format error in the data input file was detected.

  • The data file being loaded to the clock (e.g. bell tables) does not conform to the correct format. See appropriate documentation for correct data file format.
  • Line number with error will also be displayed with this error.

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