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Setting up BundyPlus time clocks to sound a bell at specific times

A BundyPlus time clock can sound a bell or siren at specified times of the day. These can be used to signal start and end of the day along with break times.

There are three steps to get this working which are summarised below with detailed instructions further on:

  • Step 1: Purchase a suitable bell and connect this to the clock.

    Bell installation, connection and wiring require a qualified electrician.
  • Step 2: Decide what days and times the bell should sound then create a computer file containing that information. This is a simple text file that can be made using Notepad.
  • Step 3: Transfer the file contents to the clock. This can be done via the existing "Payroll" PC and "ClockComms" software that is already installed.
This information applies only to the BundyPlus time clocks supplied by MYOB (or our Business Partners) to work with the Exo Time and Attendance software. The setup process is completely different for the earlier time clock models.

Step 1: Connect a bell to a BundyPlus time clock

Bundy Bell kits are available from MYOB (or our Business Partners). Bells from other sources can probably be used, subject to advice from an electrician.

The Bell connects to the time clock via a relay on the time clock's motherboard, which can be accessed after opening the clock's case. For safety reasons, only a qualified electrician should open the case and connect the wiring.

  1. The Bell is triggered by "Relay CH1" on the motherboard. Use the terminals COM and NO (i.e. normally open).
  2. This relay is a low voltage, low power device and is NOT suitable to power an external device directly. An electrician should utilise the relay to drive equipment via an external contactor.
"G8" clocks have only one relay present on the motherboard. "G6" clocks have two, "Relay CH1" and a second "Relay CH2". Each also has "NC" (i.e. normally closed) terminals which can be triggered using the same process below.

A wiring diagram for the Bundy time clock is available as a file called "G6 Bell wiring diagram.pdf". Click here to go to the "BundyPlus G6 series time clock documents and manuals" article that the file can be accessed from.

Step 2 - Create a file containing the times and days for the bell to sound

Start by creating a text file, using "Notepad", saved with the name of "Relay.txt":

  • This file contains the times for all clocks and bells within one organisation and can be used to trigger a range of times across different clocks.
  • Each Bell time in a day needs one line in the file (so four "sounds" will need four lines).
  • One line can sound the bell at the same time on multiple days - say 8am Monday to Friday.

Example contents for the "Relay.txt" file:


The example text above can be copied into the file and edited to suit.

  • This will sound the bell at 08.00 (8am), 10.00 (10am), 12.30 (12:30pm), 15.00 (3pm) and 16.30 (4:30pm) (all in 24 hour clock format).
  • The Bell sounds at the same times on Monday to Friday but not on Saturday or Sunday.
  • At each time, "Relay CH1" will close momentarily for 5 seconds (this is how long the Bell will sound).
  • The "asterisks" at the start of each line mean that these times are applied to "All stations" and "All clocks" in the organisation.
  • The file needs one line per "sound" per relay, per day, per clock (Note: one line can be set for the same time for multiple days and clocks - see further details below)
  • The first line in the "Example" above translates as: For ALL site ID's and ALL clock ID's, at 8am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, trigger "Relay CH1" for 5 seconds.

Format details for the relay.txt file

Format = ssss.cccc.tttt,0100000,1,M,nn

You MUST use leading zeroes to "pad out" unused characters as seen in the "Example" above.
  • ssss = selected Site ID number as set within the time clock. **** will apply the line to ALL sites.
  • Dot
  • cccc = selected Clock ID number as set within the time clock. **** will apply the line to ALL clocks.
  • Comma
  • tttt = Relay Action Time. Time is in a 24 hour format.
  • Comma
  • 0100000 = selected Day or Days (Monday in this case). Represents Sunday to Saturday so 1000000 would be Sunday only, 0000001 would be Saturday only and 0111110 is for Monday to Friday inclusive.
  • Comma
  • 1 = trigger "Relay CH1" (2 would trigger "Relay CH2")
  • Comma
  • M = Relay Action Type. M = "Momentary" and is always used for a "Bell" event while L = "Latched".
  • Comma
  • nn = Relay Action Type Extra Field. For Type = M, this represents the seconds to sound the bell for while Type = L, '00' turns the latch OFF and '01' turns the latch ON.

Step 3 - Transfer Bell times to the time clock

For this final step, the time clock must be working correctly (with Bell attached), and the "times" must exist in a file called "Relay.txt". The text below explains how to find the "ClockComms" program.

At the "Payroll PC", locate a folder called "BundyPlus" (could be BundyPlusV3 for recent installations). This folder is usually located inside the Exo Employer Services software folder:

  • The Exo Employer Services software folder can be found via the Properties screen of the shortcut icon used to start the Exo Payroll software from.
  • Copy the "Relay.txt" file into the BundyPlus folder.
  • Within the BundyPlus folder, find the "ClockComms.exe" file and run this file.

When the ClockComms program runs, the "Command Centre" will open:

  • In the "Available Commands" list (top left of the Command Centre under the Manual Time Clock Commands heading), select "Set Relay Events".
  • In the drop-down list of installed Clocks (top right of the Command Centre), choose either "All clocks" or the specific Clock which has the Bell attached.
  • Click the "Start" button (upper right hand side of the Command Centre).
  • Once the times have been transferred to the selected clock(s), the "Current Progress Information" window will show details such as "08:40:35 Clock # 1.1 - Relay Upload OK".
  • Click "Exit Application" and wait for ClockComms to close.
  • The times and days from the "Relay.txt" file are now stored within the time clock(s). The Bell is triggered entirely by the clock and not from MYOB's Exo Employer Services software.


Checking if the time clock responds at the set times

Watch the Clock's display for the time the Bell is expected to sound:

  • During "Relay CH1" operation, an "Open Padlock" icon appears in the top right corner of the screen.
  • During "Relay CH2" operation, an "Open Padlock" icon appears in the centre of the right hand side of the screen
  • Also, as each relay switches on and off a very faint "click" can be heard.

Bell sounds briefly, apparently at random

Can be caused by trying to temporarily "disable" specific days and times by changing the Bell to sound for "Zero" seconds. While this worked for older clock models, BundyPlus clocks respond by triggering the relay (and so the Bell) for a fraction of a second. Either delete the "unwanted" lines or see the next section for another option.

How to change details of the Bell times?

Edit the "Relay.txt" file (within the BundyPlus folder) with the new details then follow Step 3 to transfer the new Bell times to the time clock.

To temporarily disable a time, simply place an "X" (other characters would work) in front of that line in the "Relay.txt" file. Save the change and transfer to the time clock as described above. For example:

  • ****.****,0800,0111110,1,M,05 (this line will work)
  • X****.****,1000,0111110,1,M,05 (this line is disabled)


This will replace existing information stored in the clock with the new file contents.

Adjusting the loudness of the bell

Consult with the supplier, check any documentation that came with the Bell or query the Electrician who connected the Bell. The BundyPlus time clock and the Exo Time and Attendance software have no impact on the volume of the Bell, only on the start time and duration.

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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