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Setting up an allowance in EXO Time and Attendance

An Allowance is a payment made to an employee on top of their normal wages and salary.

The MYOB Exo Time and Attendance module can process allowances, such as "time worked" and "attendance" based allowances, for payment in MYOB Exo Payroll.

Allowances are assigned to the appropriate employees then the rules setup in those allowances determine if the employee has qualified for the allowances to be paid in that pay period.

Understanding the allowances options


Option nameDescription
DescriptionEnter a meaningful name for this allowance.
Days of the Week to Pay OnSelect the specific day or days of the week that the allowance is applicable for, e.g. a meal allowance is only paid to employees who work on a Sunday so Sunday is the only day ticked.
Before Time

If an employee must be working before a particular time in the day or must have finished before a specific time in the day to qualify for this allowance then that time is specified in this field. Two options are available:

  • If an employee is entitled to this allowance for working before the specified Before Time, select Work.
  • If an employee is entitled to this allowance for finishing work before the specified Before Time, select Finish.
After Time

If an employee must be working after a particular time in the day or must have started after a specific time in the day to qualify for this allowance then that time is specified in this field. An example of this would be Meal Money where an employee can be paid a meal allowance if they work after 18:00 (6pm). Two options are available:

  • If an employee is entitled to this allowance for working after the specified After Time, select Work.
  • If an employee is entitled to this allowance for starting work after the specified After Time, select Start.
Hours WorkedWhen a specific number of hours need to be worked for the employee to qualify for this allowance, enter that value in this field and specify whether the number of hours that must be worked is Per Day, Week or Period.
Maximum UnitsWhenever there is a limit to the number of units to be paid for this allowance in a particular period, enter that value in this field and specify whether it is Per Day, Week or Period. An example of this would be Meal Money where an employee can receive one unit per day but is only allowed a maximum of five for the period. In this example, 5 would be entered in the field and the Per setting would be set to Period.
Allowance QtyShould the employee meet all of the rules as set out earlier, this field specifies the number of units the employee can receive of this allowance. Specify the number of units of this allowance that can be paid to the employee and whether it is Per Hour, Day, Week or Period.
Rules for Allowance Qty Per Hour

Pay on Ordinary Hours: Select this option if this allowance is to be paid on ordinary hours worked.

Pay on Overtime Hours: Select this option if this allowance is to be paid on overtime hours worked.

This setting treats all overtime hours as one unit of allowances per hour worked.
Payroll Allowance CodeEnter the allowance code from Payroll that corresponds to this allowance.
Cost CentreIf this allowance is to be costed to a particular cost centre, enter that cost centre here. To use the employee's default cost centre, leave this field blank.
To set up an allowance
  1. Go to the Maintenance menu then select Allowances
  2. Enter an alphanumeric code to create a new allowance or enter the code of an existing allowance to edit that allowance.
  3. Proceed through the fields (as described in the expandable above).
  4. Click Save or press F10 to save the allowance.
  5. The allowance is ready for use and can now be assigned to employees.

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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