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Reversing leave that has been paid incorrectly

When an employee takes leave such as Holiday Pay or Sick Leave, that leave is processed through Current or One Off pays. The Payroll software will calculate the rate to pay and the amount for the leave being processed based on the settings and other information of that employee.

There are occasions when leave was processed incorrectly in the past, such as being paid for Annual Leave when it should have been Sick Leave. The process for reversing the leave depends on how far back the leave had originally been processed.

Below are two options for dealing with leave that has been incorrectly processed.

Option 1: Restoring from backup

Restoring a backup will take the software back to the time when that backup was made. Restoring to the pay that the leave was processed in will reopen the pay and allow for changes to be made to the pay.

This option is recommended if the following situations occur:

  • The incorrect leave was processed recently, such as in the last pay period
  • Since the pay was processed with the incorrect leave figures, there has not been much maintenance done in the software or many pays done.

For instructions on how to do a restore, click here.

Restoring from backup means that you will need to re-enter any pays or maintenance work done since the backup was originally taken.

Option 2: Processing one-off pays to correct the information

If restoring from a backup is not an option as it would cause an excessive amount of data to need to be re-entered, then processing One-Off Pays to correct the information is recommended. This will reverse the original incorrect pay. Processing One-Off Pays will provide an audit trail of what is being done to correct the incorrect pay.

To create a one-off pay that reverses the original incorrect pay
  1. Click on the Pay menu then select One-Off Pay
  2. Enter the Pay Period and Physical dates of the original pay being corrected
  3. Click on Make One-Off Pay to create the pay
  4. When the message "Pay all employees of this frequency" appears click on No then click on OK in the next message to appear
  5. Click on Calculate Pay then select the employee
  6. Reverse the entire previous incorrect pay. To do this, enter the units for each pay item that were originally paid as negative units. In terms of reversing the Leave, go to Leave Management then to the appropriate Leave and enter the leave units that were originally paid as negative units. Entering negative units will produce negative amounts in the pay.

    Ensure that the negative amounts appearing are the same as the amounts from the original pay. If the amounts are incorrect make the necessary changes to get the correct figures.
  7. Save the changes and process the One-Off Pay as normal
  8. Update the One-Off Pay
To create a new one-off pay that contains the correct pay figures
  1. Click on the Pay menu then select One-Off Pay
  2. Enter the Pay Period and Physical dates of the original pay being corrected
  3. Click on Make One-Off Pay to create the pay
  4. When the message "Pay all employees of this frequency" appears click on No then click on OK in the next message to appear
  5. Click on Calculate Pay then select the employee
  6. Enter the correct pay figures including the correct leave type and units. Enter all the correct details for this leave type, making sure that the figures match what was paid at the time.
  7. Save the changes and process the One-Off Pay as normal
  8. Update the One-Off Pay

    Running a Paysheet or Trial Balance (Detailed) report for the date of the pays will show the three pays and will allow confirmation that the figures are correct.

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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