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Reporting on multiple selection ranges not showing results

Reports are used to show information stored in the software. Selection Ranges as well as settings in the Reports Options buttons impact on what the report shows.

When a Selection Range is entered, such as a selection of employees in the Employee Code fields, the report filters the information to show results that match to the specified Selection Range, e.g. in the Birthdays report entering a selection of employees in the Employee Code field will cause the report to show the details for those specified employees.


When multiple Selection Ranges are entered then the report will show only those results that match all the selection criteria, e.g. in the Birthdays report entering a selection of employees in the Employee Code field along with a selection in the Employee Alpha field will mean the report will only show the details for those employees that match both criteria.


If there is no information that matches all of the specified Selection Ranges then the report will show the message "No results were found'. Make the appropriate changes to the Selection Ranges then rerun the report.

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You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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