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Relevant hourly rate methods (New Zealand)

In Exo payroll, a method is assigned to each employee to determine the rate to pay for the following leave types, collectively nicknamed "FBAPS Leave". This method is called the "Relevant Daily Pay Rate Method" and calculates the rate for the following leave types:

  • Family Violence Leave
  • Bereavement Leave
  • Alternative Leave
  • Public Holidays
  • Sick Leave
For more detailed information on payment methods and FBAPS management, please see our Whitepapers available here.

There are four methods that can be selected from and this article will explain how each method calculates. The methods to choose from are:

  • Standard Pay
  • Average Daily Pay
  • Hourly Rate
  • Special Rate

The method is specified for each employee on the Sick & Other Leave tab in Employee Maintenance.


Method 1: Standard pay

The method varies slightly depending on whether the system is setup in Days or Hours. The calculation is:

DAYS: Gross Taxable Earnings divided by Days Paid divided by Hours per standard day

HOURS: Gross Taxable Earnings divided by Hours Paid



Method 2: Average daily pay

This method also varies slightly depending on whether the system is setup in Days or Hours.

DAYS: Last 52 Weeks gross earnings liable for relevant rate divided by Last 52 Weeks Days Paid divided by Hours per standard day

HOURS: Last 52 Weeks gross earnings liable for relevant rate divided by Last 52 Weeks Hours Paid

These details can be checked by clicking the button next to the rate selection which will show either 'Edit Days' or 'Edit Hours' or, if a Pay is open, clicking on the History button in the Employment Details popout.

Rate Selection



Employment details pop out – current pay



Method 3: Hourly rate

This method looks at the Hourly Rate entered in the employee's Standard Pay and uses this as the rate.

If the 'Multiple wage hourly rates' option has been turned on then this method will use Rate 1.

Method 4: Special rate

This method allows the entering of a special or specific rate.


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You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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